All Agenda for Change articles – Page 7
Immigration salary rules could force physios to leave UK
Physiotherapists from overseas working in the NHS could be forced to leave the UK under tougher immigration rules, HSJ has been told.
NHS faces 'summer of protest' over nursing pay
RCN poll saw 19 per cent turnout with majority in favour of protests and strike action Union threatens to ballot for industrial action if pay cap is not lifted by ministers Action follows mounting criticism of pay restraint policy which started seven years ago The NHS is facing ...
Government told to end current pay restraint policy
NHS Pay Review Body warns government action is needed on pay policy Ministers told the lack of a people strategy means workforce issues being neglected One per cent pay rise recommended for all NHS staff Ministers have been warned by the NHS Pay Review Body that action will ...
Government negotiating on employment contracts for one million NHS staff
Jeremy Hunt says “constructive” negotiations under way with NHS unions on further contract reform The junior doctor dispute with the BMA was “wholly avoidable”, says health secretary Mr Hunt claims proposed changes will improve flexible working, quality and morale The government is having “constructive” negotiations with NHS staff ...
Government plans cap on NHS exit payments
Treasury announces bid to reduce NHS redundancy payments Changes could affect all NHS staff including doctors and senior managers Legislation will cap exit payments and claw back payments from returning staff The Treasury has revealed plans to substantially cut the size of redundancy payments made to public sector ...
A glimmer of hope for NHS staffing
The necessity for leaders to freshly engage with and motivate staff is the silver lining in these tough times
HSJ Knowledge
Roundtable: when high expectations meet low morale
At a time of stagnating salaries and punishing workloads, how are NHS leaders helping staff cope?
Lord Carter: improved medicines management is key to achieving the vision
Lord Carter has thrown down the gauntlet to pharmacy departments
Hunt: my biggest mistake
Jeremy Hunt has said that his biggest mistake to date as health secretary was to rely too heavily on inspection to improve poor care before he realised that culture change would have a greater impact.
All NHS staff to get 1 per cent pay rise
Department of Health accepts overall 1 per cent pay rise for all NHS staff NHS Pay Review Body raises concerns over use of agency caps for NHS staff Review body on Doctors’ and Dentists’ Remuneration says it may target pay in future All NHS staff will receive a ...
HSJ Knowledge
Shared Lives – empowering people to lead healthy lives
The power of mobilising people to improve health and care
Three more trusts snub national pay agreement
Three more trusts have decided to go against a government approved national pay agreement and award their senior staff a 1 per cent pay rise in line with lower level staff, HSJ has discovered.
Ministers take high risk bets on debt, pay restraint and reform
This summer has been anything but quiet
HSJ Local
London trust defies government pay agreement
Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust has defied a government pay agreement and awarded its senior staff a 1 per cent pay rise in line with lower paid staff.
Treasury says some workers could be denied 1pc pay rise
Unions reacted with anger today after the Treasury warned there should be ‘no expectation’ that every worker will receive a pay rise in line with the 1 per cent ceiling George Osborne set for public sector pay.
Nurses could 'walk away' from NHS over pay restraint
Nurses could ‘walk away’ from the NHS in the face of four more years of pay restraint, the new chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing has told HSJ.
‘Cash is king again’: trust chiefs respond to Monitor letter
Trust leaders have told HSJ about their wide ranging concerns over the implications of a letter sent by regulators calling on them to take tough measures to improve their financial positions.
Pay review says doctors should lose weekend opt-out
There is a ‘compelling’ case for seven day services in the NHS and medical consultants should lose their contractual opt-out for weekend work, according to an independent pay review.
Pay review body backs seven day services
The independent NHS Pay Review Body has said there is a ‘compelling’ case for moving towards seven day working, in a report published this morning.