English waiting list approaches next danger level
Much will depend on the impact of Hunt’s ‘managed breach’
HSJ Local
Birmingham acute appoints new medical director
WORKFORCE: Heart of England Foundation Trust has appointed a new medical director.
Long term conditions: Will that telecare system deliver the promised savings?
Two trusts tell HSJ how they are approaching radical change
FT boards to be independently reviewed every three years
Monitor has detailed how it expects foundation trusts to arrange external reviews of their board’s effectiveness every three years.
HSJ Local
Airedale FT one of first inspected under new CQC regime
PERFORMANCE: Airedale NHS Foundation Trust was due to be inspected the Care Quality Commission’s new acute hospital inspection programme in September.
PwC to support 'operational challenge' of new inspection regime
The Care Quality Commission is drafting in staff from PwC to help support the first wave of its new inspection regime, board papers reveal.
HSJ Local
C Diff target exceeded at Airedale
PERFORMANCE: The C Difficile target at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust has been exceeded.
HSJ Local
Airedale plans new A&E unit
SERVICE DESIGN: A new Accident and Emergency department is being planned for Airedale Hospital.
HSJ Local
Airedale CCG seeks to 'mitigate' fines on provider
PERFORMANCE: Recent performance board papers for Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven CCG warn of a “number of issues” regarding its contract with its main service provider Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Airedale telemedicine project eases winter pressures
PERFORMANCE: Telemedicine links into nursing homes have helped Airedale Foundation Trust cope with winter pressures and avoid some accident and emergency visits.
HSJ Local
Airedale chief admits concerns over financial position
FINANCE: The chief executive of Airedale Foundation Trust has warned of concern at the trust’s underlying financial position and the impact on longer term viability.
Distance learning - an HSJ telehealth supplement
The UK is facing a variety of health and social care challenges − an ageing population, a growing number of people in long-term care and an economic squeeze on public services.
HSJ Local
A&E wait problems at Airedale FT
PERFORMANCE: Airedale Foundation Trust could be found in significant breach of its authorisation after it failed to meet the 95 per cent performance target for treating A&E patients in the third quarter, coming in at 94.6 per cent.
HSJ Local
Airedale identifies need to reuce operating costs
FINANCE: Airedale Foundation Trust cannot sustain the current level of operating costs within its income as it moves into 2013-14, the board has been warned
HSJ Local
New NED at Airedale Foundation Trust
WORKFORCE: Retired consultant in chemical pathology Michael Toop has joined Airedale Foundation Trust as a non-executive director.
HSJ Local
Airedale Foundation Trust exceeding C Difficile target
PERFORMANCE: Airedale Foundation Trust had 16 C Difficile cases by early January – significantly above the year’s target of nine.
HSJ Local
Airedale hospital contract overspending by £2.3m
FINANCE: Bradford and Airedale Teaching PCT’s contract with Airedale Foundation Trust is £2.3m overspent, board papers say.
HSJ Local
Airedale struggling with four hour waiting target
PERFORMANCE: Airedale Foundation Trust failed the four hour waiting target for Quarter 3, commissioner papers say.
Cash injection for maternity units
Health minister Dan Poulter has announced that £25m will be split across more than 100 hospitals to improve maternity units.