All articles by Alastair McLellan – Page 15

  • Andrew Morris

    Revealed: The NHS’s top trust chief executives in 2017


    Standout trends in this year’s rankings include the prevalence of the multi-trust leader, the influence of outstanding CQC ratings and the rise of women chief executives

  • Alastair mclellan

    Simon Stevens will not resign – yet


    It is likely that Number 10 did not choose to go to war with NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens over NHS funding. But they have had numerous warnings to avoid their “NHS has had more money than it asked for” line and have also continued to privately badmouth Mr ...

  • 28th june 2016 hsj roundtable how partnerships can help the nhs deliver innivation071

    The 10 reasons why 2017 might not be all bad


    An entire generation of healthcare leaders has come and gone since the NHS faced a year as daunting as 2017. The service was able to live off the capacity and capability built up during the time of plenty in the noughties until the middle of this decade before the funding ...

  • 28th june 2016 hsj roundtable how partnerships can help the nhs deliver innivation071

    Updated: What Jeremy Hunt really thinks about NHS managers


    There is a rule that all good journalists should abide by: if you get something wrong, correct and apologise, and do it quickly.

  • Alastair McLellan

    NHS funding is becoming a game of chicken


    Many in the NHS believe that a bailout is just one or two scandals away – it is a dangerous assumption

  • Alastair McLellan

    Belief in the NHS is the one thing that remains united about the UK


    This is an edited version of the opening speech made by editor Alastair McLellan at the 2016 HSJ Awards

  • Alastair McLellan

    Only evidence will build belief in the NHS's financial rescue


    NHS trusts need to believe their financial redemption is possible - and for that we need to produce more evidence

  • News

    Exclusive: New capital funding regime for STPs


    NHS England considers allowing local areas to keep cash from land sales National leaders examining how much investment STPs require Simon Stevens says some STPs are “directional rather than the final word” NHS organisations that sell surplus land may be able to retain the capital receipts generated to ...

  • Simon Stevens

    Exclusive: Simon Stevens hits back at 'NHS first' criticism


    NHS England chief executive hits back at criticism of the STP process STPs were never designed to answer national questions on social care funding, says Simon Stevens Mr Stevens tells Birmingham council chief that STPs are able decide for themselves what share of funding social care receives NHS ...

  • Alastair Mclellan headshot

    Hunt's vision seeks to change the NHS 'forever'


    Whatever your view of Jeremy Hunt there can be no questioning his stamina. The health secretary, who has already passed his fourth anniversary, shows no sign of running out of enthusiasm or ideas despite a bruising 18 months.

  • Jeremy hunt new website

    Hunt: I want to be health secretary until 2019


    Jeremy Hunt has said he would “love to serve another two to three years” as health secretary. In a major interview with HSJ he also set out wide-ranging plans for the next phase of his tenure.

  • Alastair McLellan

    So, when will the NHS get more money?


    The direct answer to that question is that no-one really knows – but it is unlikely to be very soon.

  • Hsj100 stevens davis hillier

    Huge shifts in power and influence emerge from the 2016 HSJ100


    The 2016 HSJ100 reveals huge changes in the people with the greatest influence over the English NHS.

  • Jeremy Hunt

    HSJ100 2016: Jeremy Hunt is the comeback kid


    A year ago many thought the health secretary was on his way out. But having won the junior doctors’ contract dispute he is now the longest serving health secretary. Meanwhile, the changing political, financial and regulatory landscape has shaken up the rest of the NHS leadership ranks.

  • mclellan west and williams web 1

    A reality check for new care models


    NHS England chief executive Simon Stevens has returned from his summer holiday in the Arctic having adopted the look of an intrepid Victorian explorer setting out for parts unknown. He has the air of a man who knows his eventual destination may never be reached, that his chosen path carries ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    The future of HSJ


    We are evolving - to bring you a greater breadth and depth of news, opinion and best practice features than ever before

  • Alastair McLellan

    Take a pay cut, Katrina


    “Think like a patient, act like a taxpayer” Simon Stevens instructed healthcare leaders as he took up the reins at NHS England. In times of austerity, the second clause is just as important as the first in establishing and maintaining credibility.

  • Alastair McLellan

    Tackling the NHS deficit through targeting trusts' clinical pay bills is a busted flush


    Since it became clear the provider sector deficit would represent a significant danger to the NHS’s ability to stop or even slow declining performance, as well as to deliver service change, a murmur began in senior circles that fixing the problem would mean addressing the previously taboo subject of the ...

  • Alastair McLellan

    The NHS finally faces up to the financial elephant in the room


    The financial “reset” is likely to lead to a standoff between the centre and local NHS trusts - but the consequences of it failing to deliver would be much more severe. 

  • Alastair McLellan

    Mackey dares to ask: how good is good enough for the NHS?


    What choices must the NHS make in a period of financial restraint? That is the primary question facing the service in 2016 and the response to NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey’s HSJ interview and following conference speech shows there is little consensus yet in how to handle this challenge.