All articles by Alison Moore – Page 73

  • News

    Trust battles with council over 'disastrous' A&E closure plans


    West Sussex primary care trust is heading for a battle with the county council over plans to close two accident and emergency departments.

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    ITC plans scrapped: NHS services are 'better value'


    Plans for an independent sector treatment centre at Hemel Hempstead Hospital have been dropped because it would have been too expensive.

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    Service cuts urged at non-PFI hospitals


    Primary care trusts wanting to reconfigure services were given a stark message in an economic analysis prepared for the NHS in London: financially, it will make sense to cut beds and services at non-private finance initiative hospitals.

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    Why bed-blocking is making an unwelcome comeback


    Fines for social services departments brought early success in reducing bed-blocking, but the numbers are creeping up again as more difficult problems - which may be a result of targets and choice - rise to the surface. Alison Moore investigates.

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    DoH orders review into £257m diagnosis contract


    A massive diagnostics contract with the private sector has been delayed. because of concerns about quality and administrative procedures.

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    Maternity unit's near miss


    A trust has reversed its decision to close a maternity unit after threats from a local MP to raise the issue with the prime minister.

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    Herts consultation labelled a 'sham'


    A Hertfordshire trust has announced plans to withdraw services from one of its sites - just 12 days after a public board meeting at which the issue was not discussed.

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    Service 'collapse' warning


    The clinical director of a sexual health service has warned that it is on the brink of collapse because of spending cuts.

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    Trust faces bill for dropped PFI deal


    A £167m scheme to centralise a hospital trust's services on one site has been dropped at a likely cost of £10m. Essex Rivers Healthcare trust made because the decision because the opening of a new independent treatment centre would have made it unaffordable and because the plans did not align ...

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    Test strip price cut is 'step back' in diabetes care


    People with diabetes could suffer if the Department of Health goes ahead with planned cuts in the prices for glucose testing strips, an industry body has warned.

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    United Lincolnshire trust non-execs angry at 'shoddy' treatment


    Two non-executive directors have spoken out after they and five others resigned from a trust board - leaving just the chair and executive members in place.

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    News analysis Trusts feel impact as PFI and payment by results collide


    Cash-strapped trusts locked into expensive and inflexible PFI deals have always faced particular challenges. But with payment by results making no allowance for the extra costs they face, their future is looking bleak indeed. Alison Moore reports

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    East Sussex A&E proposals criticised by local MPs


    Trust considers alternating emergency care service between hospitals

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    Herts and minds: £100m hole that could defeat protesters


    Consultation starts next week on the shake-up of services in West Hertfordshire. Later in the summer, it will start for the north and east of the county. Reconfiguration in Bedfordshire and Herts has been talked about for 30 years, so will it happen, asks Alison Moore

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    Child visitors face ban


    A hospital trust has drawn up contingency plans to severely restrict child visitors if patients are at risk from diarrhoea and vomiting bugs.

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    New chief for scandal trust


    A new chief executive has been parachuted into a trust at the centre of a waiting-list scandal.

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    A&E under threat in shake-up


    Plans for a major shake-up of hospital services in Surrey and Sussex are likely to include closing several accident and emergency departments.

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    Analyses show under-use of ITC capacity


    Independent treatment centres have carried out fewer than three-quarters of the procedures they have been paid for, according to new figures from the Conservatives.

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    Mental health guidance 'will mean huge extra workload'


    Tens of thousands of patients may need to be assessed to determine if they should be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, under new guidance issued by the NHS Executive. Managers fear a huge rise in workload in having to comply with the requirement.