All Amanda Pritchard articles – Page 7
Expert Briefing
The Integrator: Will ‘ICS first’ survive the Coffey era?
Insider tales and must-read analysis on how integration is reshaping health and care systems, NHS providers, primary care and commissioning. This week by deputy editor Dave West.
Pritchard: We need to find alternatives to 999 for care homes and falls
The NHS needs to do more to support care homes and people who have fallen with alternatives to ambulance calls and hospital admissions, the NHS England chief executive has said.
NHSE director to run London Zoo
A senior NHS England director has taken a new job heading up The Zoological Society of London, which runs London Zoo, it has been reported.
New NHSE national director role advertised
NHS England is advertising for a new deputy chief operating officer and national director of urgent and emergency care.
Making a song and dance of it
Widely praised for adopting a discredited 1990s format to end the ambulance crisis, the new health and social care secretary now has a musical plan to cut waiting lists, writes Julian Patterson
Long-standing NHS England director to step down
One of the NHS England’s longest serving senior leaders is set to stand down after seven years in post.
Pritchard’s NHSE different in ‘tone, intent and accessibility’, say top CEOs
NHS England chief executive Amanda Pritchard has been praised for transforming the organisation’s relationship with local leaders by the NHS’s most highly regarded chief executives.
NHS England ‘hasn’t got long’ to develop ‘operating model’ for system working
NHS England and local leaders must urgently develop a coherent ‘operating model’ for the era of integrated care systems or see the reforms fail, leading trust chief executives have told HSJ.
6,000-plus jobs to be cut at ‘new NHS England’
Thousands of jobs – amounting to around 30-40 per cent of posts across NHS England, Health Education England and NHS Digital – will be cut over the next year as the organisations are merged, it was announced today.
Government to pick ‘integration frontrunners’ to test ‘radical new approaches’
Government will pick five or six ‘integration frontrunner’ areas ‘to lead the way in developing and testing radical new approaches’ to speeding up discharge from acute hospitals.
NHS England reviewing bed capacity
The NHS has a low bed base, and NHS England is reviewing ‘how we right-size our capacity’ across hospital, community and ‘virtual’ services, Amanda Pritchard has said.
Pritchard’s NHS England: A stocktake
A stocktake of NHS England and its leadership, 10 months after Amanda Pritchard took over as chief executive.
Primary care networks must become ‘neighbourhood teams’, says review for NHSE
All primary care networks should evolve into ‘integrated neighbourhood teams’ in a bid to improve services, an NHS England review into the ‘next steps’ for primary care has said.
Trusts block pensions deal for senior medics, claiming it is ‘unfair’ on other staff
Ten of the most pressured NHS trusts have refused to offer ‘pension recycling’ to help senior doctors avoid higher pension taxes, with sources saying this would be ‘totally unfair’ on lower paid staff.
NHS England ends covid ‘command and control’ measures
The NHS threat level in response to covid-19 has been downgraded following drops in community cases and hospital inpatient numbers, NHS England chiefs have announced.
NHSE staff survey delivers damning verdict on People Directorate
NHS England’s People Directorate recorded consistently poor results across the great majority of key measures according to the organisation’s annual Staff Survey, HSJ has discovered
Pritchard: ‘Sorting out pensions’ important for elective recovery
Fresh efforts are being made to sort out long-standing pension issues which can prevent NHS staff working extra shifts to help tackle the elective backlog, NHS England’s chief executive has said.
National chief people officer to step down
NHS England has announced internally to staff today that its chief people officer Prerana Issar is stepping down.
More than 1,000 ‘definitely unvaccinated’ staff at one trust
At least 1,000 staff at the country’s largest NHS trust are still unvaccinated with a week to go until the deadline, it can be revealed.
NHS guarantees private sector at least £225m to reserve capacity in case of new covid surge
NHS England has guaranteed to pay independent providers around £225m between now and March to reserve capacity in case of a covid admissions surge – but the figure could rise to up to £525m if the capacity needs to be fully utilised.