All Ann Keen articles – Page 3

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    £30m boost for family nurse partnership programme


    Vulnerable babies, young children and their families will continue to benefit from improved life chances because of a £30m expansion of an initiative to help equip young people with parenting skills, health minister Ann Keen has announced.Ms Keen said: 'Children at risk of social exclusion in later life need intensive, ...

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    DoH misses deadline as it fails to deliver own turnaround plan


    The Department of Health has missed its own deadline to publish plans on how it will address a catalogue of corporate failures set out in a government review.

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    Brief to ministers: calm NHS waters


    The new health ministers are facing high expectations that they will be able to win the hearts and minds of patients and staff.

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    Johnson and Darzi lead Brown's campaign to woo back voters


    Prime minister Gordon Brown has unveiled a new health team that is widely perceived as an attempt to restore staff and public confidence in the NHS.

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    New DoH team announced


    The entire Department of Health ministerial team has been announced.

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    Michael White on politics


    'Alan Johnson's been put there to talk to staff and take people with him, explains one ally'

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    Big red rooster fends off the chickens



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    Dobson shows his hand as mayor hopeful


    Health secretary Frank Dobson finally bowed to pressure this week and allowed his parliamentary private secretary, Ann Keen, to confirm that he will seek the Labour nomination for mayor of London.

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    Damning with faint praise


    Nurses may have grudgingly voted to accept the pay award, but the government has its work cut out if the profession is to get 'on-message'. Pat Healy caught the mood at the RCN congress

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    PPS with a Keen sense of determination


    The thrill of being plucked from the back benches to become health secretary Frank Dobson's parliamentary private secretary is still fresh for Ann Keen. 'I feel like I'm at the centre of things. I still have to pinch myself really. It's brought a whole new dimension to being an MP.'

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    In brief


    Blairite Ivan Lewis, Labour MP for Bury South, has been appointed to the health select committee in place of Ann Keen. Mr Lewis, 31, was chief executive of the charity Greater Manchester Jewish Social Services before his arrival at the Commons after the last election. He was also, aged 24, ...

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    Portly bearded despot sharpens his clause


    What a week for the oldsters! In the space of a few days they were told by the boffins that they can all soon expect to live to be 130 (grim thought), yet also that some trusts may deny them access to cardiac rehabilitation programmes after a stroke or heart ...

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    Former nurse Ann Keen


    Former nurse Ann Keen has been appointed parliamentary private secretary to health secretary Frank Dobson. The Brentford and Isleworth MP was also general secretary of the Community and District Nursing Association until her election in 1997. She succeeds Hugh Bayley, now a social security minister.

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    Bevan's babies at 50


    It was the year of the austerity Olympics in London, the first Polo mint rolled off the production line, bread was tuppence a loaf, and the NHS was born, along with 905,000 babies in the UK. Bernadette Friend tracked down some of Bevan's 1948 babies - who went on to ...

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    Branding those who bury their mistakes BY MICHAEL WHITE


    I did a little survey the other day and found that there are now 34 Labour doctors in the House, seven Tories and just one Liberal Democrat - Twickenham's Vince Cable. Doctors in the sense of PhDs and DPhils, of course. New Labour retains a touching Old Labour faith in ...

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    Calls to widen availability of cancer drug


    Doctors and MPs have urged the government to extend the availability of a drug which lengthens the life expectancy of women with ovarian cancer.

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    Always happy to give a fellow hack down on his luck a break, Monitor had been hoping to get former health minister and two-time election loser Gerry Malone into the Journal for a few shifts on the newsdesk. Happily that won't now be necessary, for Gerry has found a niche ...