All Anna Dixon articles
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Monitor needs to be clearer about its regulation style
The regulator faces a challenge following changes in its role
Anna Dixon appointed as DH quality and strategy director
King’s fund director of policy Anna Dixon is to join the Department of Health as director of quality and strategy.
Failed NHS managers could face blacklisting
Ministers are considering creating a “blacklist” of NHS managers who preside over failure and would be prevented from working in the health service again, HSJ understands.
Board mandate may be shortened
The government is preparing to significantly shorten and simplify its mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board, HSJ has learned. It comes in the wake of widespread criticism of the draft version.
Fixing the broken system
Urgent action is needed to change how health and social care are delivered
Monitor licensing could stifle innovation - FTN
Monitor’s plans for safeguarding services from closure risk “stifling” innovation and preventing trusts from complying with CQC requirements, the Foundation Trust Network has warned.
More CQC inspections risk 'diverting' funds from patient care, MPs to be warned
There is a danger that scarce funds will be diverted from patient care into “more and more inspection” following the Mid Staffordshire Foundation Trust inquiry, senior figures are set to warn MPs.
If the NHS is doing well, why is it changing?
A recent Commonwealth Fund survey saw respondents praise the NHS. So are the reforms aimed at addressing the right problems?
King's Fund and Future Forum challenge GP contract 'barrier'
The King’s Fund is throwing its weight behind proposals to define and expand the services required from NHS GP contractors.
GPs underperforming on quality and outcomes face 'serious questions'
Scores of GP practices in deprived areas are consistently failing to demonstrate clinical quality under a national incentive scheme, analysis by HSJ has found.
Health Bill amendments could add 'political pressure' to reconfiguration decisions
Service reconfigurations following the failure of a foundation trust could be open to “political pressures” as a result of a proposed change to the Health Bill, lawyers and think tanks have warned.
Health secretary to retain reconfiguration veto
The health secretary would largely retain his powers over service reconfigurations following amendments to the Health Bill - despite previous promises he would take a “hands-off” role.
Monitor duty to support integration of care
Monitor will be given a new duty to consider integration within the NHS and with social care, as part of the government’s changes to the Health Bill.
One in five GP practices are underperforming
Nearly one in five GP practices are underperforming across a significant number of quality and performance measures, according to HSJ analysis.
GPs overlook public health for QOF cash
The quality and outcomes framework has resulted in GPs focusing too narrowly on certain conditions to the detriment of their wider public health role, the King’s Fund has warned.
King's Fund report calls for end of life care investment
Steps must be taken to continue the existing commitment to end of life care and give patients meaningful choices about where they are to die, a report by the King’s Fund says.
Patient reported outcome measures may be public next year
Information comparing how much patients’ health improves with the care received at different hospitals will appear early next year, the Department of Health is hoping.
Building Britain's Future hints at threat to SHAs
The government has set out plans to turn NHS targets into enforceable patient entitlements in a move that is likely to see the role of strategic health authorities reduced.
Dry run for quality accounts gets the go ahead
All foundation trusts, and other provider trusts in the East of England, will have to publish reports on the quality of their services this year, it has been confirmed.