WINNER: NHS Wales in Partnership with The Institute of Clinical Science and Technology: The Sustainable Inhaler Prescribing Toolkit
Inhalers account for 3 per cent of NHS carbon emissions. There are millions of inhalers prescribed across Wales every year; most of these are high global warming potential inhalers, but there are alternatives. This digital toolkit delivers interventions to empower patients and healthcare professionals, and encourages switching to sustainable inhaler alternatives, where patients’ control is not affected; reduces variation in inhaler prescribing; optimises patient disease control and patient outcomes, and reduces inappropriate inhaler spending.
The sustainable inhaler prescribing toolkit has achieved full implementation across Wales, reaching 99 per cent of GP practices and secondary care services.
Read a detailed case study about this project at HSJ Solutions
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- Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board: The Move to Net Zero in NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care System in Partnership with Redmoor Health
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HSJ Digital Awards 2023: Moving Towards Net Zero Through Digital
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