HSJ Local
CQC gives King George’s green light for dignity and nutrition
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission found the trust was meeting standards relating to dignity and nutrition during a spot check as part of a wider investigation into how older patients are treated.
HSJ Local
London trusts fail ambulance handover targets
PERFORMANCE: Ambulance handover times have deteriorated across the capital since the government relaxed accident and emergency targets last year, a report has said.
HSJ Local
CQC launch investigation into troubled east London trust
PERFORMANCE: The Care Quality Commission has launched a “full investigation” of the acute trust focussing on emergency care, elective care and maternity.
HSJ Local
Nicholson says region's FT pipeline risks going backwards
STRUCTURE: Sir David Nicholson has written to the board of a strategic health authority saying “there is a real danger that by the end of 2011-12 many of these [trusts in the pipeline] will be a position where their ability to achieve FT by 2014 will have worsened”.
HSJ Local
Bailout fund considerably less than available reserves, SHA confirms
FINANCE: NHS London directors confirmed at a board meeting the reserves allocated to the Challenged Trust Board for 2011-12 were £95.3m, while acute trusts have debts of more than £424m.
HSJ Local
Half of London's non-FTs need 'merger, reconfiguration or both'
STRUCTURE: The head of provider development told NHS London’s board in March that only half of the acute trusts in the capital “had a reasonable prospect of achieving FT status by April 2014 as they were”.
London's commissioner-provider relationships set on edge
Which bit of London has the worst commissioner/provider relationships?
HSJ Local
Fourteen London trusts with workforce concerns, says SHA report
WORKFORCE: The latest London Operational Health Intelligence Group report shows issues at 14 trusts including ratio of bank to permanent staff, skill mix and sick days.
HSJ Local
Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust facing £10.1m specialist drugs shortfall
FINANCE: The east London organisation lost an arbitration case brought against commissioners, the Outer North East London cluster.
HSJ Local
London trust turns to Italy and Ireland to fill midwifery vacancies
WORKFORCE: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust has used agencies to recruit 24 midwives from Italy and 13 from Ireland.
HSJ Local
Barking, Havering and Redbridge hospitals miss MRSA target, but hit C. diff
PERFORMANCE: The east London trust saw 15 MRSA bacteraemias in 2010-11 against a target of 11.
HSJ Local
Withdrawn document lists amounts paid out by London's Challenged Trust Board
FINANCE: A report, now taken off the North Central London primary care trust cluster’s website, lists the pay-outs made to the capital’s challenged trusts - but indicated remaining debts of £422m
HSJ Local
London's acute trusts achieving 82 per cent of their CIPs in Feb
FINANCE: A document submitted to NHS London’s delivery group in April itemises each trust against its savings target and found a capital-wide variance of £69m against plan - some trusts achieving less than half their target.
HSJ Local
Confidential report sets out quality issues for every provider in the region
PERFORMANCE: A confidential report commissioned by NHS London has listed the strategic health authority’s quality concerns about the capital’s provider bodies.
HSJ Local
Provider contracts still in dispute
COMMERCIAL: A third of contracts between providers and commissioners in the North West are still incomplete, HSJ has discovered.
A chief executive merry-go-round in London
It appears to be poacher turned gamekeeper season among the capital’s chief executives.
Exclusive: government admits PFI deals mean 22 trusts will struggle to meet foundation status target
The Department of Health has named 22 hospitals with private finance deals that are “an obstacle to them achieving FT status by April 2014”.
Reconfiguration threatening to derail London service level agreements
No sooner were service level agreements more or less signed off by London acutes and commissioners, than reconfiguration issues reared their head.
Ambulance trust announces 890 post cuts
London Ambulance Service Trust has said it expects to cut 890 posts over the next five years to save £53m.
HSJ Local
Barking, Havering and Redbridge has until Friday to rectify maternity problems
PERFORMANCE: A Care Quality Commission inspection at the acute trust has found some of the equipment necessary for safe care, including devices for monitoring contractions were “unavailable, poorly maintained, or not working”.