HSJ Local
Jeremy Hunt warned over deaths risk after scan results missed
Patient not told of aneurysm for four years before his death Trust had no protocol in place to flag up £potentially life threatening” radiological results Health secretary asked to consider a trust review of procedures A coroner has called on the health secretary to examine a trust’s systems ...
Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust
Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...
HSJ Local
Commissioners plan children's surgery shake-up
Two district hospitals would stop providing hyper-acute stroke care and reduce access to paediatric surgery under a proposed shake up of services in Yorkshire.
Seven trusts combine leadership to accelerate vanguard changes
Seven trusts in Yorkshire to cede control over decision making to newly created federation board Leaders want new structure to help speed up transformation of acute services New board and south Yorkshire STP both headed by Sir Andrew Cash Seven trusts will cede authority over decision making on ...
Revealed: Trusts borrow millions to pay for redundancies and beds
Papers released by the Department of Health show trusts have borrowed hundreds of millions of pounds to pay suppliers, make redundancies and increase bed capacity.
Revealed: Trusts' estimated savings potential
By using publicly available data, HSJ has been able to closely match the methodology used by Lord Carter to produce trusts’ headline “savings opportunity” figures. Here we list the least and most efficient trusts according to the headline measure, as well as data for all trusts.
Special report: Online auctions get the best prices
Suppliers bid to provide a group of trusts with a standardised product
Revealed: 11 trusts whose DH bailouts were converted to loans
The Department of Health obliged some of the most seriously troubled hospitals in the NHS to receive their bailouts in the form of ‘loans’ last year, DH figures show.
Exclusive: Bailouts top £870m as trusts struggle to pay bills
The Department of Health issued £874m in bailouts to trusts in 2014-15, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Local
GPs sign access and training deal with CCG
COMMISSIONING: GPs in Barnsley have universally signed up to a contract with their local clinical commissioning group requiring them to increase access to services and train their staff.
HSJ Local
Physical activity pilot to be extended
COMMERCIAL: Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group plans to continue funding pilot physical activity programmes after a review showed there were a range of patient benefits - including better sleep, higher energy levels and improved pain management.
HSJ Local
Children at risk because of failure to share records, says CQC
PATIENT SAFETY: Care Quality Commission inspectors have told commissioners in Barnsley they must connect up the health and social care records systems to ensure the safety of children in local authority care.
HSJ Local
Barnsley FT no longer in breach of licence for A&E
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is no longer in breach of its licence to provide accident and emergency services, Monitor has announced.
HSJ Local
Finance director of troubled trust dismissed over gross misconduct
WORKFORCE: The finance director of the challenged Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust has been dismissed for gross misconduct after misstating its accounts.
HSJ Knowledge
Solve the A&E puzzle for smarter patient care
People often view hospital as ‘best place’ for treatment
HSJ Local
Barnsley FT hires interim director amid major financial problems
FINANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust has appointed an interim director of finance, following the emergence of serious financial problems.
HSJ Local
Yorkshire trust deficit trebles in one month
PERFORMANCE: A Yorkshire trust which is under investigation for concerns about its finances has seen its deficit treble in a month- and is braced for a further increase.
HSJ Local
Monitor launches investigation into Barnsley FT
PERFORMANCE: Monitor has launched an investigation into Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust, following concerns about the trust’s finances and its accident and emergency waiting times.
HSJ Local
Barnsley FT narrowly misses A&E target
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust missed its four hour A&E waiting time target in September by one patient, according to board papers from Barnsley Clinical Commissioning Group.