Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – Page 4
HSJ Local
Barnsley FT reports 'variable' A&E performance
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is seeking to address accident and emergency performance, which has “continued to be variable throughout August and into September”.
HSJ Local
James Paget appoints new director of nursing
WORKFORCE: James Paget University Hospitals Foundation Trust has appointed Elizabeth Libiszewski as director of nursing, quality and patient experience.
HSJ Local
Barnsley Hospital has interim chief executive
WORKFORCE: Barnsley Hospital has appointed an interim chief executive to replace chief executive Paul O’Connor.
HSJ Local
Swab left inside patient at Barnsley trust
PERFORMANCE: A swab was left inside a patient after childbirth at Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust.
HSJ Local
Barnsley trust expects to fail on A&E performance
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust expects to fail the four hour accident and emergency target this year with the board hearing it was now “mathematically impossible” to meet it after missing it for the last five months.
HSJ Local
Barnsley stroke services accredited
PERFORMANCE: Yorkshire and Humber SHA have fully accredited Barnsley Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust for the organisation’s stroke services.
HSJ Local
Uphill battle to meet A&E targets at Barnsley Hospital
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust will only achieve the 95 per cent target for treating patients within four hours at A&E if it can achieve 98 per cent in the last two months of the year, the trust board heard.
HSJ Local
Barnsley FT plans to cut mortality rates
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is hoping to reduce its mortality rates by this autumn. A package of work – including looking at coding, reviewing never events, and an external scrutiny of surgical site infections – is ongoing. The trust also has a project on early warning systems and recognising ...
HSJ Local
Barnsley installs new CT scanner funded by local residents
SERVICES: A new CT scanner has been installed at Barnsley Hospital – thanks to the generosity of a local couple who left a legacy of £600,000. Mary Tasker died in 2011 and her husband, local photographer Ted, had died in 1989.
HSJ Knowledge
Measuring outcomes of communications teams
How to demonstrate the effectiveness of your communications team
HSJ Local
Barnsley Hospital planning annual 'innovation day'
RESEARCH: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is planning to hold an annual “innovation day”.
HSJ Local
Troubled Yorkshire trust may need to be split up
FINANCE: A Yorkshire hospital trust has begun addressing its huge financial challenge, but will later need to attempt major service reconfiguration, and may ultimately face being split up.
HSJ Local
Business plan for Barnsley A&E observation unit
STRUCTURE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is planning to develop a full business case for an observation unit within its emergency department.
HSJ Local
Barnsley Hospital FT £1.1m behind plan
FINANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust has made £3.8m efficiency savings in the first nine months of the financial year - but this is £1.1m behind plan.
HSJ Local
Barnsley misses A&E target
PERFORMANCE: Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust narrowly missed the 95 per cent target for seeing A&E patients within four hours in December.
HSJ Local
Barnsley senior staff leading nutrition and hydration week activities
PERFORMANCE: The chief executive, chief nurse and other senior managers and clinicians at Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust are leading activities to promote nutrition and hydration at the hospital, which had been criticised for standards.
HSJ Local
Barnsley Hospital misses A&E wait target
PERFORMANCE: NHS North of England has highlighted that Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust is not meeting the A&E waiting time target.
HSJ Knowledge
The NHS trusts leading the way on sustainability and efficiency
A recent league table of over 2,000 UK businesses ranked four NHS trusts as the highest performing organisations. NHS Sustainable Development Unit director David Pencheon explains why other trusts must aim to emulate this success.
HSJ Local
Heather Mcnair appointed chief nurse at Barnsley Hospital
WORKFORCE: Heather Mcnair has been appointed chief nurse at Barnsley Hospital Foundation Trust.
Debt deferral measures to support would-be foundation trusts
The Department of Health has indicated that the vast majority of trusts needing financial support to achieve foundation trust status will receive it through the deferral of their loan repayments.