All Blogs articles – Page 42

  • Blogs

    The importance of trust


    If there’s one issue that will be the touchstone for success during 2010 it has to be trust.

  • Blogs

    Mutual appreciation society


    Mutualism is the latest public sector reform craze, with all three parties talking it up. Could it work in healthcare?

  • Blogs

    Tantalos a l’americaine, wellness incentives and (no end to?) medical underwriting


    wellness incentives can be a useful part of prevention strategies, but proposals in the current health reform bills threaten to undermine affordability of care

  • Blogs

    'Spending on the health service was to rise to the European average'


    On 16th January 2000 Tony Blair was interviewed by Sir David Frost. In what was described as the most expensive breakfast in British history, the PM announced that spending on the health service in the UK would rise, over five years, to the European average. 

  • Blogs

    The next NHS chief executive?


    The list of potential candidates for the chief executive of an independent NHS board has just got longer

  • Lion roaring

    Preparing to roar like lions


    Preparing evidence for the DH’s Co-Operation and Competition Panel

  • Blogs

    Targets are here to stay


    The Tories have, inevitably, confirmed they would set central targets for health

  • Blogs

    A royal pain in the bahooka!


    I was going to write something witty and Christmassy in this blog but due to a temporary loss of wit on Monday this hasn’t been possible

  • Blogs

    Good to Great


    Andy Burnham’s vision for the NHS for the next 5 years - preventative, people-centred, productive. Oh, and computers….

  • Blogs

    The reality of future challenges


    A recent seminar with a group of non-executive directors to discuss dysfunctional boards and corporate failure demonstrated how grounded they are about future challenges facing the NHS and their organisations.

  • Blogs

    Cameron steals New Labour's clothes


    The Tories unveil their health manifesto

  • Blogs

    Does the NHS need management consultants?


    As NHS management expenditure tightens, management consultancy costs are in the spotlight. Over the past period, the NHS has been big business for the consultancy industry. Whilst management consultants have made a significant contribution to NHS transformation, there have been many situations where the NHS investment in consultancy has not ...

  • Blogs

    Engaging with grace


    What we spend on care at the end of life

  • Blogs

    On coaching and interference


    I’m part way through a coaching qualification. I’m learning a lot about others, but a whole lot more about myself! I’m not going to get into definitions of coaching, counselling and mentoring (that’s another whole blog on its own) but one of the fundamentals is that the agenda needs to ...

  • Blogs

    'Adams was convicted for prescription fraud'


    John Bodkin Adams was responsible for a new concept in medical management - “doing a Bodkin”.

  • Blogs

    Is the US ready for evidence based care?


    What does the controversy about mammography screening tell us?

  • Blogs

    Young's departure exposes cracks in the system


    The rows in the last few days over regulation, death rates and patient safety, culminating in the resignation of Care Quality Commission chair Barbara Young, are a public display of dysfunction by some of the most powerful organisations in healthcare.

  • Blogs

    Courage vs 'the easy life'


    Where courage stops is where leadership stops

  • Blogs

    Chickens come home to roost


    Finally those of us tired of the tedious, high level, generic, tick box exercises that are averaged out into star ratings are vindicated. 

  • Blogs

    'Clark received the first total replacement of an artificial heart'


    On 1 December 1982, a snowy night in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dr Barney Clark’s heart was giving out and he was moved up the operating list to receive the first total replacement of an artificial heart in an emergency all night operation.