All Blogs articles – Page 43

  • Blogs

    Thing One and Thing Two


    Over the past few weeks the legislative spotlight has moved from the Senate to the House, and members of the lower house have been revelling in it.

  • Blogs

    Hospital guides


    Basildon, Dr Foster and public information about the NHS.

  • Blogs

    Health system development plans


    In my report on Lincolnshire I recommended that health system development plans should be introduced across the NHS. This is quite deliberately a recommendation about process because when dysfunctional organisations or health systems are examined the single biggest issue is a breakdown in relationships.

  • Blogs

    Why is changing


    The imminent move to make HSJ’s website “subscriber only” will help us expand our services.

  • Blogs

    'The formation of the RCGP followed letters in the medical press'


    On 19 November 1952 the College of General Practitioners was established quietly at a meeting at the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries.  

  • Blogs

    Learning from Humpty Dumpty


    I don’t want to fall off the wall, I certainly don’t want to sit on the fence either. I’ve tried the fence, it’s uncomfortable and it makes my bottom hurt.

  • Blogs

    'A raft of scandals surfaced in hospitals for the elderly'


    On 24 November 1965 Lord Strabogli wrote to The Times. Public concern about the treatment of the elderly in hospitals had been growing, though apparently the government saw no problems.

  • Blogs

    Health twits


    Health on Twitter

  • Blogs



    Everyone faces challenges. Every person, every career, every organisation, every family and every team have to overcome difficult periods; there are of course different levels of challenge but no one goes through life untested. We might not always be able to control events but we can control how we respond ...

  • Blogs

    Managers show their worth


    I was taken recently by the findings of a study of careers of NHS managers with 25 or more years experience. The findings are especially interesting because the careers of many of the managers interviewed pre-date the introduction of general management into the NHS in the 1990s.

  • Blogs

    Living with 'socialized medicine'


    Targets have reduced waiting times, but how else do they affect care in a nationally funded health care system?

  • Blogs



    What does PRINCE2 mean to you?

  • Blogs

    The surgical ninety day money back guarantee


    Geisinger promises to get surgery right first time or your money back

  • Blogs

    Diary of an intrepid arctic marathon runner


    However meticulously you plan for big events, there are some things you just can’t plan for. Last weekend, Helen Bevan was due to compete in an extreme marathon in sub-zero temperatures in the Arctic Circle, something that she had prepared and planned for intensively for the last six months. Three ...

  • Blogs

    How well do you listen?


    Listening is not about being passive, nor is it an unspoken agreement with what the other person is saying; listening makes people feel valued and respected

  • Blogs

    In response to relatively popular demand


    Why does it matter if GPs can earn interest from their “hard cash”?

  • Blogs

    DES mess


    I’m a GP in England, so I really am surprised to find myself sympathising with the hard-pressed frontline administrators in my PCT.

  • Blogs

    Economic downturn and the opportunity for Foundation Trusts


    I suspect from recent comments on ways of handling the economic downturn that the pre-election phoney war is now beginning. Views against initiatives such as workforce reductions have started to emerge but perhaps based more on philosophical grounds rather than rigorous analysis.

  • Blogs

    On organising to change the world: from Californian farm workers to Obama’s election campaign to NHS transformation: part two


    The wisdom of Marshall Ganz, unofficial mobiliser-in-chief of Obama’s election campaign on how we can challenge the status quo, the vested interests and perverse incentives in the current NHS system that get in the way of delivering high quality, high value care for all.

  • Blogs

    Personal Impact


    Self awareness and personal impact are hugely important, we must not underestimate this.