All Blogs articles – Page 44

  • Blogs

    your worst decision


    What's the worst decision you have ever made?

  • Blogs

    'Bourne agreed to perform an abortion and was prosecuted'


    On 27 October 1967 a private member’s bill, introduced by David Steel but backed by the government, was, after a heated debate and a free vote, passed. When the act came into effect, it made abortion legal in Great Britain.

  • Blogs

    Public health inside and outside of the School


    I like taking stairs, but must admit to having had second thoughts when I heard my office was on on the 11th floor. But then, a voice inside (that I wish I hadn’t heard) reminded me that the ground floor is already counted as the 1st floor in the US. ...

  • Hands off (image by Bob Thewes

    Hands off


    Charity Commission takes a stand on NHS charities’ accounts article in Third sector

  • Blogs

    Cutting season


    All the parties have plans to cut NHS costs.

  • Blogs

    'The report established the principles of NHS management'


    The 1983 Griffiths review of management was the direct outcome of the chaos of industrial action.

  • Blogs

    Confessions of an ex-amorphous blob


    In a couple of days, Helen Bevan will be leaving for Kangerlassauq in the Arctic Circle to take part in the Polar Circle Marathon, one of the toughest marathon races in the world. She reflects on her journey over the past six months from unhealthy “amorphous blob” to extreme marathon ...

  • Blogs

    On being fierce


    The culture of an organisation is not nebulous. I am the culture. You are the culture.

  • Blogs

    Logan Five Arrives


    I landed in the States in the middle of the ‘NHS WOULD HAVE LET STEPHEN HAWKING DIE’ furore, and so was hardly harbouring high hopes for a rational health care debate.

  • Blogs

    How to find a doctor


    One of the challenges facing us all as recently arrived Harkness Fellows is trying to understand how health care is organized and delivered in the US. 

  • Blogs

    What on earth is MBTI?


    “I’m ENTP – I’m guessing you are ESFJ – but what do you think J Is? ISTJ or INTP?” What on earth is this gibberish? If you’ve never been “MBTI’d” it will mean absolutely nothing. If you have – you will immediately be leaping to a set of information about ...

  • Working together

    Here to help


    Working together in partnership

  • Cotton bags

    Stuff the bags


    How many calico bags does it take to make a conference?

  • The vision thing's gone missing

    The vision thing's gone missing


    The Party Conference season is over

  • Blogs

    Keith Floyd and leadership


    Keith Floyd was hugely entertaining albeit with personal flaws such as occasional rudeness and arrogance. Translate this to leadership and it’s the Keith Floyd-esque characters who push the boundaries, always bounce back and rarely give up.

  • Blogs

    Lansley steps up to bat


    The health debate at the Conservative conference failed to hit the process target of starting on time. Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley came into a half full auditorium almost an hour late.

  • Blogs

    Enter the Tories


    The opening to the Conservatives’ conference in Manchester this morning was a strangely diffident affair.

  • Blogs

    Achieving 'one buttock' performance ..


    A conductor is a good example of leadership but I am not so sure it is as covert as some might think

  • Blogs

    'Ambrose made history by carrying out the first computed tomography scan'


    On 1 October 1971 Jamie Ambrose, a consultant radiologist at Atkinson Morley’s Hospital in Wimbledon, made medical history by carrying out the first computed tomography scan on a live patient, revealing a detailed image of a brain tumour. 

  • Blogs

    The regulation game


    Learning to play the regulators is an essential part of the induction for senior managers.