All Blogs articles – Page 45

  • Blogs

    More Perspiration than Inspiration


    We are entering a different phase of NHS management that to be successful will have to be characterised by a stronger emphasis on management than leadership, more process and communication, and more perspiration than inspiration.

  • Blogs

    The One Hour Challenge


    Have you physically walked a pathway from emergency or elective admission to discharge?

  • Conducting the orchestra

    I’m missing the Proms already


    Working together and conflict resolution in tense times

  • Blogs

    'It was the nadir for the GPs, but they also had their supporters'


    The Collings Report published in 1950 led some to feel general practice was past saving and not worth the effort.

  • Blogs

    Personal health records continued


    Following my frustrated experiments with personal health records last week, a south London GP has drawn my attention to another option.

  • Blogs

    Sex, gardening and leadership


    We can all articulate what we consider to be the essential characteristics of exemplary leaders; I am sure there would be some variation but I am equally sure that the similarities would beconsiderable.

  • Blogs

    Be honest


    Every one of us can name at least one individual who is not performing or where we are not getting value for money. I don’t mean just administrators and managers, I mean all staff. I bet we could all name at least one individual. Be honest.

  • Blogs

    The bottom line


    Patient involvement must not be lip service, a tick box exercise or a token gesture

  • Blogs

    The Fear Factor


    Managers in all NHS organisations need to overcome fears, we need the intuition to know when to ‘go against the flow’, we need to manage and take calculated risks and set stretching goals

  • Blogs

    Logging on early


    Buoyed by recent enthusiasm about personal health records, I’ve signed up for three.

  • Blogs

    On organising to change the world: from Californian farm workers to Obama’s election campaign to NHS transformation - Part one


    The ideas of Marshall Ganz, Harvard academic, community organiser and unofficial “Mobiliser-in-Chief” for Obama’s election campaign, offer some poweful perspectives for NHS leaders.

  • Blogs

    The conundrum of personality driven leadership


    The media has reported that the beleaguered Trevor Phillips is to remain as head of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission after being criticised for his leadership style. This story highlights the conundrum of personality-driven leadership.

  • Blogs

    Mapping swine flu part two: The professionals


    Following my stunted effort a few weeks ago, the professionals have got stuck in to mapping swine flu.

  • Blogs

    Leadership and getting the right people on the bus


    If the wrong people are on the bus they should be dropped off at the next stop, they might need to catch a different bus.

  • Blogs

    Powerpoint presentations


    “Beware of anyone who says that they're "just going to talk to some slides" - because that's exactly what they'll do - without realising that they're spending most of their time with their backs to the audience.” So says Max Atkinson, author of “Speech making and Presentations made easy”, in ...

  • Blogs

    Burnham's views on centralism


    National newspaper articles citing health secretary Andy Burnham and Monitor executive chair Bill Moyes raise intriguing questions about the government’sattitude to foundation trusts.

  • Blogs

    Hannan's claims about managers: the unblinking truth


    The web is awash with commentary on Daniel Hannan’s incendiary comments on the NHS, thanks to the Twitter army.

  • Blogs

    Talent Management


    How can we recruit and retain the very best people for the NHS? David Nicholson said in the foreword to “Inspiring leaders; leadership for quality” that it was imperative to align work on leadership with achievement on quality. He describes it as “Leadership with a purpose”. So how to ...

  • Blogs

    Boards, micromanagement and failure


    ‘I think people who fail, fail because they’re not involved enough’. So said Sir Martin Sorrel of communications group WPP last month when discussing micromanagement. It’s an interesting dichotomy isn’t it?

  • Blogs

    'Wherever there was social disparity, there was disparity in health'


    August 1980 will forever be remembered by public health doctors for it was then that the Department of Health published the Black report.