All Blogs articles – Page 46

  • Blogs

    Bed pans and dangerous dogs


    Loose talk on FT and SoS freedoms

  • doctors

    'A shortage of doctors was producing “a pretty ghastly awful picture”'


    It has always been wise to avoid involvement in medical manpower planning.

  • Blogs

    Competence, trust and the making of leaders


    Interesting news from the private sector. A recent study by Booz & Company stated that nearly half (46%) of all senior managers surveyed doubted their chief executive’s capacity to navigate their organisation through the current economic crisis.

  • Blogs

    Born on the 25th of July


    The world’s first “test tube baby”, Louise Brown, was born shortly before midnight in Oldham and District General Hospital on 25 July 1978.

  • Blogs

    To coach or not to coach…


    There’s many different forms of coaching, from the informal, “water cooler” conversation, through manager coaching to more formal internal or external coaching. Coaching as a style of management is now accepted as effective, but there is a growing trend towards formal coaching, because of the growing evidence of its ...

  • Blogs

    Partnerships - the Emperor's new clothes


    What cost partnerships? Will the Tories bite the bullet and save us a bundle?

  • Blogs

    Change agents for quality and productivity


    If we look globally at those healthcare systems that deliver outstanding performance in cost and quality, a common characteristic is a systematic approach to capability building for improvement. How do we build this in the NHS?

  • Blogs

    Mapping swine flu


    As an experiment I have mapped swine flu figures for primary care trusts in the North East.


    Darzi's resignation


    Lord Darzi’s resignation brings to an end a bold experiment in reconnecting the health service with staff and the public.

  • Blogs

    Mental Health Diet


    The power of positive thinking – is your glass half full or half empty? You can choose your mood, and control your state of mind to improve outcomes for yourself and those around you. Is this just so much mumbo-jumbo, or is there something in it?

  • Blogs

    PbR: A target by any other name...


    PbR as an abbreviation now lends itself to a much clearer redefinition for the providers of healthcare services in NHS England – ‘Patients bring Revenue’.

  • Blogs

    Innovation for higher quality and lower costs


    At no other time in its history has the NHS needed innovation for service delivery as badly as it does now. But innovation won’t just happen, even if we give it a high strategic priority. We need to take a systematic approach to innovation practice, building it into every aspect ...

  • Blogs

    Stock up on painkillers. The Tories are coming.


    What will a new government mean for the health service? Hmmm, let me think….

  • Blogs

    Change tracking with Andy Burnham


    A slip up at the Department of Health reminds us of the Microsoft Word “track changes” function - and reveals a last-minute omission from the health secretary’s swine flu speech.

  • Blogs

    Lansley’s devil is in his detail


    It’s a policy: real terms cuts to NHS pay

  • Blogs

    The future of nursing and midwifery


    As a commission looks at what skills and competencies nurses and midwives need for the future, Martha Lane Fox tells the NHS what it was like to be on the receiving end of the NHS following a major accident. Do nurses need a degree? What makes a good nurse? And ...

  • Spoon image

    Supping with a long spoon


    A new Cabinet sub-committee will lift the barriers to third sector delivery of public services. The sector will need to learn new ways of influencing that retain its independence whilst making sure users of services and patients get the right services when and where they need them.

  • Blogs

    It’s adapt or die for the quality improvement movement


    -The healthcare quality improvement movement needs to step up to the challenge of cost constraint. It’s an “adapt or die” situation.

  • Blogs



    It’s Mark I’m talking about. Our Mark. Our Mark who has crossed to the dark side and is with us no more.

  • Blogs

    Swine flu but still no flu plan! Is this World Class planning?


    Swine flu has arrived in my area! I know this because two patients, contacts with swab-proven swine flu, phoned for advice. We have received flu packs but no local plan: no instructions on managing contacts or accessing Tamiflu supplies - and no information that swine flu was around locally.