All Blogs articles – Page 50

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: Chief executives picked to lead integrated Welsh NHS


    Six chief executives have been appointed to lead the NHS in Wales as it takes a further stride away from the English system.They will lead local health boards, newly merged from existing primary-focused LHBs and trusts, which run acute, community and mental health services, from October.Care provision will be merged ...

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: Mid Staffs reports - new duties on NHS to prove patient involvement


    The government has announced that NHS organisations will have to publish information that proves they are involving patients to prevent a repeat of the failures at Mid Staffordshire foundation trust.A report for the Department of Health by national director for primary care David Colin-Thomé, published today, found that a significant ...

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: Interview - David Nicholson talks leadership


    In an exclusive interview following the first meeting of the national leadership council last week, NHS chief executive David Nicholson tells HSJ what was discussed, why the council won’t become a “dustbin” for difficult issues and why all chief executives must take responsibility for leadership.

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: Confed proposes peer review to avoid Mid Staffordshire repeat


    The NHS Confederation has called on hospital trusts to invite others trusts’ directors to inspect their services to help prevent failures such as those at Mid Staffordshire foundation trust and Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells trust.The confederation has proposed a series of steps that should be take voluntarily in response to ...

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: Monitor appoints new chief and chair to 'challenged' foundation trust


    A foundation trust has been assigned a new chief executive by Monitor for the second time in eight months.The regulator has appointed Kirsty Matthews as interim chief of the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases foundation trust, in Bath, it announced yesterday.The regulator hired Ms Matthews as interim chair of ...

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: PCT poll backs Alan Johnson on swine flu pandemic


    NHS organisations are backing up health secretary Alan Johnson’s assertion this week that the UK is one of the countries most prepared to deal with a flu pandemic.As cases of swine flu were confirmed in the UK, an HSJ straw poll of 15 primary care trusts this week revealed that, ...

  • Blogs

    NHS news blog: NHS governance 'reduced to paper chase' - Audit Commission


    Many NHS trust board members cannot be sure whether or not their hospital is operating within the law, the Audit Commission has found.

  • Blogs

    Why did Rose Gibb lose?


    There is considerable surprise at the high court ruling against Rose Gibb in her claim for breach of contract.

  • Blogs

    The blood and guts of cuts


    How well will managers cope with a spending cut? Hardly any NHS managers have been around long enough to experience government imposed cuts like this before.

  • Blogs

    Real terms cuts of 2.3% a year from 2011 onwards?


    Just got back from the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ annual post-budget briefing. Scary stuff… They reckon real terms cuts of 2.3% a year are looming

  • Blogs

    Post-budget confidence


    Phew, that was close.

  • Blogs

    5 per cent increase?!?


    Where did Darling get his 5 per cent figure from?

  • Blogs

    The blame game


    The blame game pendulum is swinging back from managers towards clinicians.

  • Money

    Pre-Budget predictions


    It’s dangerous I know, but I’m going to stick my neck out and make my Big Budget Prediction for 2009: Alistair Darling will use the term “confidence”, oh, let’s say, at least five times. Hmm, maybe I should hedge this a bit. Alistair Darling, or someone else from government, or ...

  • house of cash

    Treasury tricks and accountancy acronyms


    I have a strange fascination with NHS accountancy. I don’t know whether it’s the edge it gives me over my colleagues every time we play NHS acronym bingo (their PBCs and WCCs are nothing to my IFRICs and EBITDAs) or just the opportunity to try and talk sagely about the ...

  • tree

    Surviving another recession


    Just as trees can be aged by their rings, people can now be aged by how many recessions they have survived.

  • cowboy

    Back in the saddle


    Far be it from me to tell Babs and Cynth how to run their new gaff, but if there’s one baby they don’t want to throw out with the HCC/CSCI merger bathwater it’s that CSCI website.

  • Drip

    What went wrong at Mid Staffs?


    Yet again we have a badly under-performing hospital, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of, mainly elderly, patients.

  • Blogs

    Death in Swaziland


    Death is a funny thing. In almost four years as a performance manager and information manager in the NHS, I never really experienced death.

  • Blogs

    Competence or expertise – you choose, if you have a choice


    Workforce planning is an ambiguous art made yet more ambiguous when set on a national scale with its unconnected, conflicting and changing priorities – still, we try.