All Blogs articles – Page 51

  • Blogs

    Dr Anna Donald


    HSJ has learned of the sad death of Dr Anna Donald. Dr Donald, who died in Sydney Australia on 1 February, was formerly a co-founder of the healthcare information provider Bazian and an HSJ columnist.

  • Blogs

    Going forwards with healthcare


    There are many 'management speak' constructs that baffle, amuse and provide opportunities to be cynical about the art of management and leadership.

  • Blogs

    Scripting healthcare compassion


    There is a pretence at resisting some of the cultutal imports between British and American cultures but there is one that we need to embrace and imbed.

  • Blogs

    Doctor, tailor, soldier, spy... a Paki by any other name...


    A Canadian study recently published in Science explored reactions to overt racism.

  • Blogs

    Preparing for a DH visit


    Every now and then, there will be a news report of a city in a developing nation having a quick lick of paint applied to all exteriors, potholes filled and beggars removed in readiness for a president's or foreign dignitary's visit.

  • Blogs

    What's new in health for the new year?


    The allocation of the vast NHS budget - £164bn over two years - using a more technically robust formula must bring such comfort to patients who previously waited overly long.

  • Blogs

    Father Christmas visits the NHS


    So what's Santa going to be putting in the stockings of the NHS this year?

  • Blogs

    Keep the NHS data ball rolling


    General agreement all round then that scrutiny is a legitimate part of running a publicly funded service.

  • Blogs

    Healthcare = customer care


    It is Saturday morning, I am on call and working at my desk on lingering clinical work after the ward round, awaiting blood results, blood pressure data, etc.

  • Blogs

    Weighing in on hospital scales


    Lots to chew on of late. First I read my fellow blogger Inside Out's polemic about the grubby goings on in the world of hospital management.

  • Blogs

    NHS subcultures


    When I am engaged in yet more discussions on what we do, why we do it, how we do it, to formulate yet another options document, assessment of service document, taking stock document, predicting the future document... there is one observation that I believe illustrates the starting positions of two ...

  • Blogs

    NHS regulators under fire


    Is that the sound of cannon-fire I hear? Boom. There goes another one. It seems that regulators are under fire.

  • Blogs

    NHS jobs and non-jobs


    Flicking the comics recently, it looks like we're all in for a good kicking, with the first salvos being fired in the anticipated attack on so-called 'non-jobs' in the public sector.

  • Blogs

    In search of an NHS chimera


    As we all know, there are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who can't.

  • Blogs

    The end of the NHS


    So the Labour Party has finally brought an end to the NHS. Universal healthcare free to all at the point of need and delivery is replaced by a universal healthcare floor over which you can buy anything that we're willing to sell you on an item of service basis depending ...

  • Blogs

    HSJ50 got me thinking


    I spent an idle 30 seconds last week perusing the HSJ's '50 people with the greatest influence on NHS management policy and practice in 2008'.

  • Blogs

    Hidden racism and the health service


    Does it matter to the NHS that an employee holds membership to the BNP? The BNP is not a banned organisation.

  • Blogs

    The 7 habits of highly ineffective managers


    I've been re-dipping into one my bestest ever pop-management textbooks, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

  • Blogs

    Defensive emailing


    Anyone notice the growth in the postscript statements protecting the sender and warning the recipient against all manner of email misuse and abuse - the ones stating that the contents are confidential, if sent by accident, etc?

  • Blogs

    The NHS rhetoric is the reality


    Can you get to see your GP within 48 hours? Seems like the apparatchiks at the DOH and the piety at the HCC beg to differ about question itself, let alone the answer.