All Blogs articles – Page 52

  • Blogs

    Clinicians: asset first or cost first?


    I am obviously biased, so you tell me - should consultants be viewed as an asset?

  • Blogs

    What's the real story on waiting times?


    Well we've had a blog on PCTs' gaming on targets. Today we consider the activities within Acute Trusts.

  • Blogs

    Using the health service - best and worst


    I've just been ill and used the service. Now that's what I call a roller coaster ride.

  • Blogs

    NHS marketing - who needs it?


    I am currently working through the marketing strategy module. It is early days and the textbook is certainly the largest and heaviest handed out.

  • Blogs

    Lingering questions over GP access


    In answer to questions from my last blog, yes, dear lady from Kingston, I am saying that people go back for a second appointment because GPs 'do such a poor job of putting them off' as you so caringly put it.

  • Blogs

    NHS show will go on!


    So on the basis of an in-depth sample of both of my readers, the Innate Prejudice bandwagon careers onward and upwards towards its rightful place in the pantheon of non-evidence based commentators on the NHS.

  • Blogs

    NHS management and informatics are not mutually exclusive


    I was very disappointed to read the article 'NHS managers not committed to informatics'.

  • Blogs

    PbR: bugs, buts and bull riding


    Ever wondered which has the greatest number of bugs - Microsoft Windows or NHS HRG3.5?

  • Blogs

    What's behind the jump in GP visits?


    So officials are mystified about the surge in the number of GP visits made this spring.

  • Blogs

    NHS feeling the pinch


    So how blows the breeze at the top of trees? By the sound of it, pretty well. The Darzi road shows are complete and the mood music is rather upbeat.

  • Blogs

    The great north euthanasia experiment


    I cannot lay claim to the title of this blog - I first heard it on one of those Radio 4 comedy shows some months ago - so please take this as acknowledgement to the BBC and an admission of advanced middle age.

  • Blogs

    Health service admin woes


    Having ascertained in my last blog that your form-filling is a frustrating hindrance, let me interrupt it for just a moment with another thought on all that horrible admin.

  • Blogs



    It's that time of the year. The words 'draft' are being lifted from Annual Audit Letters that summarise so succinctly the state of your financial health.

  • Blogs

    To Blackberry or not to Blackberry?


    The Blackberry has finally arrived in the NHS.

  • Blogs

    Pay no attention to the NHS leader in the dark glasses


    My secretary has just survived a major anniversary - five years of working with me. Trust and respect are the bedrock of any relationship, so I trust her judgement when she says my cartoon picture for the blog is rather too reminiscent of that former dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein.

  • Blogs

    NHS regulators cramping your style?


    How much of your time was spent feeding the beast today? How much job satisfaction did it give you?

  • Blogs

    International development is a fishy business


    It's one of the great development mantras: give someone a fish, and they'll eat for a day; teach someone to fish, and they'll eat for the rest of their life. But it unfortunately completely misses the point.

  • Blogs

    What to say about the NHS?


    It is quite clear that the majority of my undoubtedly tiny readership hates what I write.

  • Blogs

    Delivering cat food vs delivering healthcare


    Type PbR into Google and as of end September 2008 you will get 6.9 million hits. The first two are what you and I understand PbR to mean.

  • Blogs

    Your official NHS synonym study guide


    A funny thing (perhaps the only funny thing) happened in one of my recent blogs when the spell-checker changed my description of the DOH communications posse from 'pravdaesque' to 'pradaesque'.