All Blogs articles – Page 53

  • Blogs

    Kotter's theory of urgency in use


    I see John Kotter's new book, A Sense of Urgency, has surfaced as number one on the bookshelf.

  • Blogs

    Moral hazard 102 for health managers


    Through reforms in the 1990s and now in the 2000s, the NHS has been developing and apparently maturing, by accident and design, a type of competitive, mostly internal market structure.

  • Blogs

    Moral hazard just too complicated, apparently


    I have received feedback from two managers and my personal chief exec on my moral hazard blog.

  • Blogs

    The trouble with the Welsh NHS


    You can't beat the Welsh, can you? Twenty-two Local Health Boards giving money via block contracts to about a dozen hospitals.

  • Blogs

    Let's do away with nurses' stations


    When are ward nurses going to surgically remove themselves from the nurses' station and increase their time with the patients?

  • Blogs

    Health volunteers gotta go with the flow


    Working for the Swazi government, one of the first things you learn is flexibility. Meetings are often arranged at very short notice, particularly when donors fly into town.

  • Blogs

    Doctors, lead the way


    To hell with multi-disciplinarianism. Let's face it, Doctor knows best.

  • Blogs

    NHS change management...


    An anecdote from a good friend:At a meeting with seven others, a colleague notices that the large clock in the room is still an hour ahead.

  • Blogs

    Moral hazard 101 for health managers


    We should all know what is meant by the term 'moral hazard' thanks to Northern Rock, but let me start with a definition in case you have recently emerged from the Tora Bora Mountains.

  • Blogs

    Fully funded NHS policies? Fabulous


    Can anyone recall a cross-departmental policy launched some time ago with the laudable aim of ensuring that policies would not be announced without the full funding attached? Wot? Teamworking with the Treasury?

  • Blogs

    Let's get serious about public health


    It's time to take a radically different approach to reducing health inequalities. The way that we're going we don't stand a chance.

  • Blogs

    NHS enters the reality TV zone


    So the NHS is moving into reality TV looky-likeys, with PCTs aping Dragons' Den and The Apprentice in their desperate search for talent and a good idea.

  • Blogs

    Only some of the best health in Europe?


    Got a letter from Lap Dog Lansley this week, enclosing a policy booklet called Delivering some of the best health in Europe: outcomes not targets.

  • Blogs

    Racism in the NHS


    I read with interest your report on NHS organisations failing on race equality duties. Yet again we have a damning report on the institutional racism that is endemic in the NHS.

  • Blogs

    No faith in evidence-based medicine


    Daragh Fahey’s childlike faith in evidence-based medicine should not go unchallenged, writes Norma Butler

  • Blogs

    GPs and evidence based medicine


    The title given to the magazine version of my article, ‘How GPs are ignoring the evidence’, did not reflect the essence of the piece, writes Daragh Fahey

  • Blogs

    GPs in a sea of evidence


    I refer to your feature on how GP practices are ignoring clinical evidence. Colleagues here at the National Association of Primary Care acknowledge that most GPs are drowning in a sea of evidence-based knowledge and guidelines, writes Johnny Marshall

  • Blogs

    Maternity services clarification


    Regarding your article “Watchdog gives maternity services a ‘wake-up call’”, which addressed the Healthcare Commission’s review into maternity services. The review was a landmark survey and represents the scale of what needs to be done by the government to meet the guarantees it outlined in Maternity Matters, the Department of ...

  • Blogs

    In this week's HSJ


    NewsThe National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has had its integrity upheld after fending off its first High Court legal challenge. The organisation’s victory over its decision not to recommend the use of certain drugs to treat Alzheimer’s disease was seized on as a sign that its processes were ...