All BRENT TEACHING PCT articles – Page 2
HSJ Local
NHS Harrow seeing 10 per cent over performance at NW London Hospitals
PERFORMANCE: The number of elective admissions at North West London Hospitals Trust was 10 per cent above plan for NHS Harrow during September, according to figures from the trust.
HSJ Local
NHS Harrow to consider 'appropriate tariffs' for elective care
STRUCTURE: The London primary care trust, part of the north west London cluster, has a specific plan for 2011-12 - alongside the cluster strategy - which will see “a fundamental review of elective care pathways across providers”.
HSJ Local
NW London Hospitals Trust 'discharges patients inappropriately and asks GPs to re-refer in a year'
PERFORMANCE: The chair of Brent and Harrow’s Clinical Commissioning Board Dr Noreen Ryan claimed the acute provider had inappropriately discharged patients, in a meeting with the cluster.
HSJ Local
North West London cluster allocates £12.5m in PCT bail-outs
FINANCE: The North West London cluster has ear-marked £12.5m in support for three of its eight primary care trusts - Ealing, Harrow and Hillingdon.
HSJ Local
London PCTs predicted to miss demand management and decommissioning targets by £77m
FINANCE: NHS London predicted that its primary care trusts would miss their 2010-11 demand management and decommissioning targets by £77m
HSJ Local
Ealing Hospital chief exec defends maternity services from attack by the Mail on Sunday
WORKFORCE: In his report to May meeting of the board acting chief executive Dr William Lynn said: “The article discussed the ethnicity of mothers giving birth at EHT and implied that the maternity care provided at the trust was poor because we deal with a diverse population.”
HSJ Local
Ealing Hospital merger proposal to be submitted to NHS London later this month
STRUCTURE: The west London hospital trust’s plans to merge with North West London Hospitals Trust will see a Strategic Outline Case submitted to the Capital Investment Committee on May 17th.
HSJ Local
North West London Hospitals Trust over performing against maternity contract
PERFORMANCE: The acute trust has seen “a significant over performance against the contracted level of births” a report says.
HSJ Local
PCT to fine acutes for failing to provide named consultant teams
FINANCE: NHS Brent and neighbour Harrow propose to charge their providers £20,000 for each month they fail to offer the choice of a named consultant led team, which was due to be introduced at the start of the month.
A chief executive merry-go-round in London
It appears to be poacher turned gamekeeper season among the capital’s chief executives.
Reconfiguration threatening to derail London service level agreements
No sooner were service level agreements more or less signed off by London acutes and commissioners, than reconfiguration issues reared their head.
HSJ Local
McKinsey appointed to work on Ealing and North West London merger
STRUCTURE: The west London acute trust has approved a plan to work on a strategic outline case to look at a merger with North West London Hospitals Trust and the consultancy McKinsey is due to present it to the April board.
HSJ Local
NHS Hillingdon still looking for £15.7m in savings for 2011-12
FINANCE: The primary care trust’s finance paper said it had identified £11.5m in savings but still had work to do to identify a way to its £27.2m target.
HSJ Local
NHS Brent's chief executive to move on
WORKFORCE: Mark Easton is set to leave his role leading NHS Brent and neighbouring Harrow to take up a role leading Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals Trust.
New chair designate for super-cluster appointed
A chair designate has been appointed for one of the largest primary care trust clusters in the country.
'Challenged' acute trusts abandon independent FT status plans
More than half of the Department of Health’s seven financially “challenged” trusts appear to have abandoned plans to become foundation trusts.
HSJ Local
NHS Brent contributes £5.4m to the rest of its PCT cluster
FINANCE: The north west London primary care trust was predicting a break even position at year end, against a plan of £17.2m
HSJ Local
NHS Brent hits smoking cessation target
A north-west London PCT has hit its targets for smoking cessation.
Minister fires warning shot over cuts to PCT public health posts
Public health minister Anne Milton has told primary care trusts not to cut public health capacity, ahead of their transfer to local authorities as part of the government’s health reforms.
NHS London makes appointment to first set of merged PCTs
NHS London has finalised the new management structure for the first of its merged primary care trusts.
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