Exclusive: Short tenure of 'inadequate' trust chiefs laid bare
The chief executives of trusts rated outstanding by the Care Quality Commission have been in post much longer than those rated inadequate – several of whom have stayed less than a year, HSJ analysis confirms.
BME network declares 'no confidence' in trust's board
A hospital trust’s BME network has said it has “no confidence” in the organisation’s board “to deliver race equality”, following the apparent dismissal of the network’s chair.
HSJ Local
NHS England loses secret contract dispute with teaching trust
NHS England attempted to keep secret the loss of a contract dispute with a teaching hospital trust, fearing it would encourage other challenges, HSJ can reveal.
HSJ Knowledge
HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2017: Patient Safety in Critical Care and Trauma Patients
North West London Critical Care Network: Patient Transfer Bag - Networked approach
HSJ Local
Tribunal rejects clinical manager's race discrimination claim
Employment tribunal rules Peter Hale was not discriminated against on racial grounds and he was not unfairly dismissed Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust has a troubled history of race relations Trust has another employment tribunal outstanding with a discrimination claim A senior medical manager has lost his ...
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017: Clinical Support Services
Hampshire Constabulary & Isle of Wight NHS Trust with Wessex Academic Health Science Network: Serenity Integrated Mentoring (SIM) Project
Revealed: Management redundancies signed off by NHSI committee
NHS Improvement’s provider leadership committee approved nine compulsory redundancies at senior level over nine months in 2016-17, documents obtained by HSJ reveal.
Five trusts responsible for over half of year-plus waiters
Highest number of year-plus waiters in England since August 2012 Small number of trusts responsible for majority of long waiting patients Overall performance sees 90 per cent of patients waiting no more than 18 weeks for treatment in February Data released today shows five trusts were responsible for ...
HSJ Local
Special measures trust receives £30m to upgrade A&E
New £30m emergency unit intended to transform the way that care is delivered Development approved by NHS Improvement Marianne Griffiths spells out her priorities for troubled Brighton and Sussex trust NHS Improvement has approved £30m of new investment in emergency care facilities at a special measures trust, as ...
Exclusive: Special measures trusts forced to pay higher interest on bailouts
Trusts in financial special measures are paying interest rates up to four times higher than some other providers Barts Health Trust faces annual interest charges of £6m Experts liken the higher rates to “kicking someone when they’re down” The DH says rates are designed to “reflect the additional risk ...
Almost half of NHS staff say wards are understaffed
Almost half of NHS staff say there are not enough staff at their trust to do their job Midwives, consultants and nurses complain of staff shortages in latest survery Best performing acute trust on this measure was Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh FT Almost half of NHS staff say ...
Revealed: Trusts with the best and worst manager engagement
NHS staff feel senior managers do not involve them enough in decision making, according to the latest staff survey results, released this morning.
NHS staff survey: Best and worst performing trusts
The annual NHS survey has shown staff continue to believe the care their trusts provide is safe, with 69 per cent saying they would recommend care at their organisation to a friend or relative.
NHS finances: The best and worst performing trusts in quarter three
HSJ analysis shows which trusts are performing best, and worst, against their financial plans in 2016-17.
HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed
The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.
Leak reveals plan for MCP rollout across south coast
Primary care in central Sussex and east Surrey to be organised into 20 hubs £296.4m of savings predicted from moving elective care into the community Partner organisations hope “credible vision” will win vanguard funding Health leaders in central Sussex and east Surrey have an “ambitious programme” ...
Exclusive: New NHS 'bond' could unlock capital funds, says Jim Mackey
NHS Improvement in early discussions about creating an “NHSI bond” to help accelerate capital investment Department of Health’s capital budget has been frozen in cash terms over the course of this parliament, which equates to a real terms cut Jim Mackey says some of the NHS estate is in ...
Expert Briefing
What's new in care models: Mobile apps and the vanguard
Tracking everything that’s new in care models and progress of the Five Year Forward View.
HSJ Local
Leaders of outstanding trust to take over special measures neighbour
Western Sussex FT leaders to take charge of Brighton and Sussex trust Arrangement is “not a merger” says Brighton chief executive Trusts “will continue to operate as two separate organisations” NHS Improvement sets up “improvement oversight group” The chief executive and chair of Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust ...