Struggle to fill senior trust posts 'getting greater'
High turnover and difficulty filling vacancies is not confined to managerial executive posts, according to NHS Trust Development Authority chief executive David Flory.
HSJ Local
New rapid access medical unit reduces A&E admissions
Princess Royal Hospital has launched a rapid access medical unit in an attempt to reduce accident and emergency admissions and long stays.
HSJ Local
Brighton records below average score for estates appearance
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust scored below average for the standard on the condition of its buildings in the new patient-led ward inspection regime.
HSJ Local
Brighton reports improved efficiency from touch screens
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust has seen improved efficiencies and staff morale following the installation of an electronic bed management system at its two sites.
HSJ Local
New focus on staff engagement at Brighton and Sussex
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust chief executive Matthew Kershaw has launched a staff engagement programme setting out four key areas.
HSJ Local
Brighton and Sussex below average in first FFT scores
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust scored an average of 29 for accident and emergency and 64 for inpatients in the “friends and family” test over the first quarter of 2013-14.
HSJ Local
South East Coast Ambulance tests brain-cooling tech
RESEARCH: South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust is evaluating a system that directly cools cardiac arrest patients’ brains prior to their arrival at hospital.
HSJ Local
Staff sickness at Brighton and Sussex third worst for SE acutes
WORKFORCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust had one of the worst average sickness absence rates among acutes in the South East Coast region for the first three months of 2013.
HSJ Local
New focus on 'doing things well' consistently at Brighton
PERFORMANCE: The chief executive of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust has signalled to the organisation’s staff that they need to improve their standards consistently.
HSJ Local
Brighton and Sussex loses finance director
WORKFORCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust finance director Chris Adcock is to leave in August.
HSJ Local
New service encourages more homebirths in Sussex
STRUCTURE: A new 24-hour community midwives service dedicated to home births has been introduced by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust.
HSJ Local
Brighton and Sussex turns to electronic whiteboards
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust has rolled out interactive electronic whiteboards to improve efficiency on wards.
HSJ Local
Brighton and Sussex widely missed A&E target in March
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust only managed to treat 86 per cent of patients attending A&E within four hours in March – the sixth month it has missed the 95 per cent target. The trust also missed the target for the year with a performance of 93 per ...
HSJ Local
Six MRSA cases during 2012-13 at Brighton and Sussex
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust had six cases of MRSA last year – and has started the new financial year with another suspected one.
HSJ Knowledge
The true cost of low-value purchases
When it comes to purchasing, low value does not always mean low risk
HSJ Local
Brighton and Sussex rated poorly for discussing future care needs
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust was picked out by the Care Quality Commission as performing below average in the inpatient survey for discussing future health or social care needs with patients.
HSJ Local
Brighton hospital introduces ‘tuck bags’ to cut infections
PERFORMANCE: Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust has introduced innovative new “tuck bags” across wards to help improve the control of infection.
Exclusive: Dramatic increase in emergency 12 hours 'trolley waits' uncovered
Pressure on accident and emergency departments has seen a large increase in the number of hospital trusts reporting patients waiting more than 12 hours to be admitted, an HSJ analysis has found.
One-year waits race towards zero
One year waits continue to fall sharply. 18 week waits, and the waiting list overall, are steady. Orthopaedic long-waits are deteriorating.
HSJ Local
Brighton hospitals may move chemotherapy into community
SERVICES: Sussex cancer patients could be offered chemotherapy in the community to reduce the pressure at hospitals.