All British Medical Association (BMA) articles – Page 46

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Jon Restell on praise for the NHS


    I am writing this column soft-eyed at the close of the busy next stage review/NHS 60th anniversary week, with Nye Bevan staring exhortation at me from my desk calendar.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Media Watch: looking back on 60 years


    On the NHS's 60th anniversary, several papers concluded the government is not doing a bad job of running the service.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    The next steps in reducing inequality


    The government is determined to reduce health inequalities by 2010, but this requires a concerted effort from all local agencies in the human workshop.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Recruitment questions: overseas staff in the NHS


    A few years ago, the service was in the spotlight for plugging staffing gaps with overseas workers. Now restrictions have been imposed as vacancies evaporate. Is the NHS right to aim for a 'self-sufficient' workforce?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: 'It was the toughest two years of my life'


    Being in the top job at the Department of Health means overseeing the biggest political football of all. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle hear six former health secretaries' memories

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Who had a hand in policy?


    The health ministry has conceded influence over the direction of the NHS to many different groups, from the family doctors of 1948, to the teaching hospital boards of the 1960s, to the professional managers and regulators of 2008. By Anna Dixon

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Diamond sixty


    Who are the most influential people in the last 60 years of the National Health Service? HSJ invited a panel of prestigious judges to pick 60 people who have been central in shaping today’s NHS. This list includes politicians, managers, professionals, campaigners, civil servants, historians and designers

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Déjà vu


    Healthcare has moved on apace since 1948, with treatments that would have amazed medics of the time. Yet in other areas time seems to have stood still, says Niall Dickson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: What the papers said in 1948


    You might have expected the birth of the NHS to be greeted with a cheer, but it got a muted press reception, says Jo Stephenson

  • Leader

    BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance


    One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS politics: just a pawn in the game


    From its early years to Thatcherite revolution to Blair's funding bonanza, the NHS has always been a political pawn. Click on the links at the beginning of the article to read more

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Extended hours: crying out for flexibility


    The government's guidance on extended hours is not the only way for GP practices to answer the pleas for better access. Ingrid Torjesen looks at some local solutions

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Frank Dobson looks back as NHS turns 60


    Back in 1997 when the New Labour government was bright and shiny as a new penny, Frank Dobson, the MP for Holborn and St Pancras, was appointed health secretary.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Military medical care: the war at home


    In recent years the military has entrusted acute medical services to the NHS, and psychiatric care to an independent provider. But this has led to claims that the nation is failing those who have fought in its wars. Mark Gould reports

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Five days that shook the NHS


    The NHS has weathered countless scandals, speeches, policy launches and inquiries. Peter Davies and Daloni Carlisle discuss five landmark events and talk to those involved.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Understanding the Health and Social Care Bill


    John Witt and David Firth explain the changes that trusts can expect when the new Health and Social Care Bill comes into effect later this year

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GPs must see sense on hours


    New proposals for extended working hours for GPs have provoked a storm of protest - but doctors should take a careful look at the benefits, argues Alastair Henderson

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Career Path: rising to the top


    Dr Simon Eccles talks to Stuart Shepherd about his path from medical school to a variety of roles in NHS management

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Notes on a scandal: electronic records


    The row over summary care records rages on, but what do patients in pioneer areas think about them and do they fear invasion of privacy? Lyn Whitfield visits Bolton to find out

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Global challenge - volunteering abroad in mental health


    Overseas volunteering is increasingly seen as a way for health professionals to get involved in improving global health. Here, Deji Oyebode explains how it works