All Bullying articles – Page 16

  • News

    Minority staff get worse deal on jobs, pay and grievances


    Widespread disadvantages faced by black and minority ethnic NHS staff have been laid bare in a stark analysis of recruitment, bullying, grievance and disciplinary rates.

  • News

    Staff survey shows low opinion of senior management


    Trusts have been urged to address a ‘breakdown’ in the relationship between senior managers and staff, following the results of the fifth annual NHS staff survey.It is the first time the Healthcare Commission’s survey of every trust in England has asked specific questions about senior management.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Children's mental health: finding hope for the lost generation


    A fifth of children have mental health problems and one in 15 self-harms, but they are getting lost in a system with no idea what to do with them. It's time for a radical rethink of care pathways for young people, writes Andrew McCulloch

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Kate Silvester on managing staff, not parenting them


    In a hierarchical NHS, how can managers help create a world of equals where everyone contributes?

  • News

    In this week's HSJ


    NewsAcute trust boards are not taking enough responsibility for controlling infection in their hospitals, the healthcare watchdog has warned. Spot checks on 43 hospitals by the Healthcare Commission have revealed concerns that boards are not regularly discussing opportunities for improvement or ensuring infection control data is analysed effectively.The Conservatives have ...

  • News

    Ambulance trust chief executive retires before 999 inquiry reports


    The chief executive of an ambulance trust has retired, weeks before an inquiry reports on allegations that response times were 'doctored'.

  • News

    Manager sacked after probe into 'intimidation'


    A nursing manager accused of bullying and intimidating staff has been sacked following an internal hearing.

  • News

    Facing both ways at once


    The unions are opposed to PFI, but are also resigned to government enthusiasm for it. At Blackpool, the TUC resolved to fight to protect members from its 'perverse effects'. Patrick Butler listened in

  • News

    Charter will give staff right to exclude violent patients


    Embattled staff at St Bartholomew's and the Royal London Hospital will be given powers to turn away violent or abusive patients under a new charter to be introduced next month.

  • News

    Short cuts


    Nurses allowed control of nursing home shifts

  • News

    Manager suspended for bullying


    A manager at Royal Edinburgh Hospital has been suspended and an inquiry launched into allegations of intimidation and bullying of nursing staff.

  • News

    Voices of dissent


    Community health councils keep managers on their toes, says Steve Ainsworth, and should not be resented by health authorities

  • News

    Board games


    Three managers named in a report alleging financial mismanagement at a health board have left, while the fourth faces a disciplinary hearing. Matthew Limb reports

  • News

    Past and failed


    How have the eager young would-be medics we saw on TV in 1984 fared? Mark Crail reports

  • News

    When the going gets tough


    One in four nurses will be eligible for retirement in the next two years and places out number applicants for nurse training.

  • News

    When the going gets tough


    Maintaining the supply of nurses has been compared to pouring water into a leaking bucket. The NHS furiously recruits more people so that it can keep on pouring, and now and again there are attempts to patch up the leak. Things improved during the first part of the 1990s, but ...