All articles by Cally Bann – Page 2
Cally Bann: the 'finance committee'
Some may call it the finance committee. I call it a three hour filibuster on how to avoid being named and shamed by Spiky Mikey O’Brien, with perhaps 10 minutes on our plans to take 7 per cent out of the cost base.
Cally Bann: Halloween and bonfire night bash
Running a hospital? Meat and drink. Organising the annual staff Halloween meets bonfire night? Don’t even go there.
Cally Bann: NHS car parking
Ten years at the helm and not a single complaint about car parking. Until the Boy Burnham sticks his nose in, that is.
Cally Bann: no beating an annual general meeting
You can’t beat a good annual general meeting, can you? Well maybe you can, with just about anything: walking on glass, needles under the fingernails, back to back episodes of Big Brother, a detailed discussion on the board assurance framework…
Cally Bann: psychopathic managers
September: everyone’s favourite board. Papers the weight of a Nigella compendium but without the taste, tease or titillation. Unless you get your rocks off on the compliance return, the assurance framework, the risk register or the update on the implementation of the HR strategy 2007-11.
Cally Bann on sporting achievement
OK, so the meeting to square off the ward upgrade plan, the summer theatre closure plan, the length of stay plan, the day case rate improvement plan, the 18-week plan, the demand management plan, the winter planning plan, the income plan and the 7.5 per cent cost improvement plan was ...
Cally Bann on the vagaries of leadership
It should be the best week of the year, what with Sir Seymour still away at his annual shoulder rub with the hoi polloi at the Chelsea Flower Show and the whole of the SHA away for a snuffle in the trough at Liverpool.
Cally Bann on fiddling expenses
A spotty-faced cub reporter at the Battersley Evening Bugle has put in a request under the Freedom of Information Act for a detailed breakdown of all board expenses claimed in the past 24 months.
Cally Bann on the swine flu outbreak
An acute trust chief executive, “Cally Bann”, casts a jaundiced eye over the swine flu outbreak…
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