HSJ Local
Cambridge UHFT slips on delayed transfers of care
PERFORMANCE: Cambridge University Hospitals FT’s delayed transfers of care permance has slipped, according to its strategic health authority.
HSJ Local
QIPP failure and demand blamed for West Essex acute overspend
FINANCE: Slippage in West Essex PCT’s quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) plan has been due to “unprecedented demand” for urgent and emergency care, according to board papers.
HSJ Local
Cambridge UHFT is £3.2m below its planned surplus for the year
FINANCE: Cambridge University Hospital FT has reported a surplus of over £650,000 for the year to date, £3.2m worse than plan.
HSJ Local
Non-elective income below plan for Cambridge University FT
FINANCE: The foundation trust reports that its largest single variance in income is in non-elective income, which is £1.9m below plan to date.
Monitor issues list of lessons to be learnt from failed FT bids as list of planned mergers grows
Monitor has published a list of lessons to be learnt from recent failed foundation trust applications.
PCT chiefs help drive new structure
Five primary care trust chief executives have left their organisations for full time roles developing the new commissioning infrastructure.
Circle wins battle to run hospital
Private provider Circle is set to run Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust in Cambridgeshire for 10 years under an operating franchise.
Media Watch: Ban on cheap alcohol
Public health doctors have raised at least one cheer for the new government’s plans to ban supermarkets from selling cheap alcohol as a loss leader.
Five firms and one FT shortlisted to take over NHS hospital
One foundation trust and five independent providers have been shortlisted as potential bidders for a franchise to run an NHS hospital in the East of England.
DH proposals threaten trainee medic posts
A major shake-up of the way trainee doctors are funded could see hospitals cut training posts for junior doctors and swap their posts for nurses, HSJ has been told.
HSJ Knowledge
Facilities: Implementing the NHS carbon reduction strategy
The Climate Change Act has set some tough targets for cleaning up the environment. The NHS carbon reduction strategy should help trusts to achieve it. Stuart Shepherd explains
HSJ Knowledge
Gareth Goodier on the values of acute care
Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust talks about the qualities that earned it the HSJ Acute Care Organisation of the Year Award 2008