Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust – Page 6

  • Keith_McNeil

    Keith McNeil resigns from NHS England role


    The NHS’s first national chief clinical information officer Keith McNeil is leaving after just 13 months in the role.

  • patient safety in critical care trauma patients north west london critical care network
    HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ Patient Safety Awards 2017: Patient Safety in Critical Care and Trauma Patients


    North West London Critical Care Network: Patient Transfer Bag - Networked approach

  • Firefighter

    Exclusive: NHS struggling to maintain fire safety


    NHS trusts face significant fire safety risks, research by HSJ has shown.

  • Sir_Mike_Richards2

    Richards: Good leaders and staff engagement improve care despite pay restraint


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says staff must be “properly rewarded” Sir Mike says CQC report proves “cultural change” can happen quickly if trusts listen to staff Some trusts “undoubtedly” need capital investment but finances and quality can improve under good leadership, he says Sir Mike Richards has said ...

  • The use of information technology to drive value in clinical services
    HSJ Knowledge

    HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017: The Use of Information Technology to Drive Value in Clinical Services


    Taunton and Somerset Foundation Trust: HANDi Paediatric: smart phone app integrating care for common childhood conditions through home, primary care and into hospital 

  • Social networking

    Exclusive: Treasury belatedly approves £160m tech funding


    Treasury approves £160m for 16 acute global digital exemplars After multiple delays, scepticism remains about the funding arriving Additional funding announcement on the seven mental health digital exemplars imminent The Treasury has approved £160m of funding for 16 flagship digital trusts, but concerns remain about delays in accessing ...

  • Southampton General Hospital

    Revealed: NHS England intervenes at 10 trusts over DTOC rates


    Ten trusts visited by NHS England “central support” team to “accelerate” delayed transfers of care initiatives FOI revealed the team initially shortlisted 33 trusts at “high risk” of delayed transfers NHS England also drew up a list of trusts that must “prioritise” plans to implement A&E streaming services ...

  • Mike Birtwistle

    Hospital turnarounds offer a glimmer of light amid NHS gloom


    In the face of major challenges, success stories offer valuable insight into achievable goals, and deliver important benefits to patients and staff alike

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    CCG rows back on service closures following local backlash


    Cambridgeshire minor injuries units reprieved following public outcry New model to be piloted in spring involves expanding units to take pressure off A&Es Move comes despite leaked CCG paper last year saying closures represented “only realistic option” Three Cambridgeshire minor injuries units threatened with closure could be reprieved ...

  • London North West Healthcare NHS Trust

    Analysis: A&E performance sinks to record low


    Performance on main A&E measure lowest since targets introduced Fall in performance outstrips 3.7 per cent increase in admissions and attendances North west London and Cambridgeshire see worst performances and steepest declines Accident and emergency performance for December in England has sunk to its lowest level since the ...

  • hands
    HSJ Local

    Teaching trust failing to comply with end of life court ruling


    Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust issued with requirement notices by the CQC Half of “do not attempt resuscitation” orders seen by inspectors were incorrectly completed by staff Court of Appeal ruling in 2014 created a new legal right for patients to be consulted over DNAR decisions One of ...

  • HSJ Value In Healthcare Awards

    HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards shortlist revealed


    The organisations in the running to win one of the HSJ Value in Healthcare Awards 2017 at have been revealed.

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Updated: Prestigious teaching trust exits special measures


    CQC recommends Cambridge University Hospitals exits special measures after being rated good in latest inspection CQC praises the trust for improving staffing levels and governance Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust has left special measures after it was rated good in its last inspection.

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    CCG may be ordered to break into reserves as finances deteriorate


    Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG control total revised from £3m to £17.4m deficit CCG will “probably” be ordered to raid reserves by NHS England to improve position at end of 2016-17 CCG says it faces “most significant” financial challenge since its inception The financial position of one of the ...

  • Older people's services

    MPs: Services 'likely to suffer' after UnitingCare contract collapse


    Services “likely to suffer” in wake of £750m contract breakdown, say MPs “Incompetent, grossly irresponsible” NHS bodies showed business acumen which would “embarrass a child in a sweet shop” NHS England told to address commercial skills gap in NHS after “catalogue of failures” Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning ...

  • Papworth hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust makes long awaited chief executive appointment


    Papworth Hospital Foundation Trust has appointed East and North Hertfordshire Trust deputy chief executive Stephen Posey as its new chief executive.

  • Cambridge
    HSJ Local

    Addenbrooke's £140m IT contract hangs in balance


    Trust invites bids for £140m contract currently held by Hewlett Packard Enterprise HSJ understands costs are higher than trust originally forecast and are driving deficit Trust says it is “market testing” and supplier is fulfilling contract Cannot comment on finances as “it would impact on potential bids” Cambridge ...

  • The Christie

    Revealed: New oversight ratings for every NHS trust


    Each trust placed in one of four categories based on the level of support they require from NHS Improvement Trusts will be formally categorised next month as part of the regulator’s new “single oversight framework” Thirty-five out of 238 trusts will have “maximum autonomy” See every rating in the ...

  • Cambridge

    Exclusive: Private firm quits high profile £120m NHS development


    Ramsay Healthcare UK pulls out of high profile building project Firm was due to run a 90 bed private hospital on the new complex Partnership with Cambridge University Hospitals Foundation Trust announced in 2013 Ramsey’s decision to withdraw was taken shortly after the EU referendum A private healthcare ...

  • Older woman in wheelchair

    CCG and advisers accuse each other over £750m contract collapse


    Review lays bare chaotic process which led to £750m contract collapse Cambridgeshire CCG and its advisers blame each other for failure on key issues Concerns raised about process and budget set by CCG to deliver deal NHS England says it will scrutinise big contracts more closely in future ...