All Cancer articles – Page 56
HSJ Local
National cancer unit opens at Royal Orthopaedic Hospital
STRUCTURE: The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Foundation Trust has opened a new £313,000 national cancer facility for patients aged 13 to 24.
Groundbreaking radiotherapy equipment goes into service
A new radiotherapy device that could transform the way some cancer patients are treated will be used from today.
Cancer care overhaul needed, says Macmillan
A leading cancer charity is calling for an overhaul of NHS care for cancer survivors, as the number of people overcoming the disease looks set to double over the next 20 years.
HSJ Local
Cancer deaths on rise in Liverpool
PERFORMANCE: Cancer mortality rates in Liverpool have risen for the last four recorded quarters, local monitoring by the primary care trust has found.
HSJ Local
Royal Bournemouth ahead on cancer
PERFORMANCE: The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals FT is outperforming all seven targets on cancer waiting times.
Live interview to discuss cancer strategy on HSJ TV
Experts are to discuss the Department of Health’s updated cancer plan live online.
HSJ Local
'Very disappointing' breast cancer performance from Walsall Hospitals
PERFORMANCE: Walsall Hospitals Trust is reporting “very disappointing” year to date performance after missing a target that 93 per cent for referring patients with suspected breast cancer to consultants within two weeks.
HSJ Knowledge
Setting a course for consortia: an HSJ and discussion
In mid-December, just ahead of the release of the 2011-12 operating framework and the response to the consultation on the Liberating the NHS white paper, HSJ and held a roundtable debate on consortium commissioning.
King's Fund challenges health reform claims
The health secretary’s claims over why the NHS must be reformed are questionable, according to a leading health economist.
Thousands of cancer patients 'denied radiotherapy'
Tens of thousands of people with cancer are missing out on potentially curative radiotherapy, it was claimed today.
UK breast cancer rate blamed on obesity and alcohol
The UK ranks 11th out of 50 countries for rates of breast cancer, according to a new report.
Trusts battle for right to absorb smaller non-FTs
Two London hospital trusts, one of which is struggling with a large private finance initiative, are competing to swallow up two smaller trusts.
Cancer strategy relies more heavily on charities
Cancer networks are to lose guaranteed funding while the government will rely on investment from charities to achieve its ambition for one to one cancer care.
Readmission savings plan softened
Commissioners face having to redraw their budgets after changes to emergency readmission policy.
HSJ Knowledge
The HSJ and Capgemini Liberating Ideas Award Winners - Winning ideas are going places fast
The HSJ and Capgemini Liberating Ideas Award celebrates the best local innovations and set the challenge for national adoption. Read about the winners here
Uncertain future for cancer networks
Cancer networks look set to lose their government funding and be encouraged to become social enterprises under the new cancer strategy.
Waiting targets survive as £750m cancer strategy announced
Cancer waiting targets are to be preserved by the coalition government and £750m invested in improving survival rates over the next four years, the Department of Health has announced.
HSJ Knowledge
How to create healthcare without walls
A spirit of cooperation between clinicians has helped a London primary care trust improve productivity and patient experience by moving services into the community. Laura Guest explains how they achieved it
‘Rise in cancer breaches’ by foundations
The number of acute and specialist foundation trusts that missed cancer treatment targets rose by a third to 28 out of 90 in the past three months, their regulator Monitor has revealed.
Rush to market cancer test breakthrough
An experimental blood test that can spot a single cancer cell among a billion healthy ones has taken a step closer to being brought to market.