All Cancer articles – Page 70

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    Cancer experts call for action on GMC's confidentiality rules


    General Medical Council rules on patient confidentiality are threatening cancer research and monitoring of the national cancer plan.

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    Funding bid for telemedicine project for cancer care


    A £300,000 bid is being made to the Scottish Executive's new opportunities fund for a telemedicine project aimed at driving up standards in cancer care in Fife, Tayside, Lothian, Borders and Dumfries and Galloway. The project, one of the most extensive of its kind in Britain, would give clinicians access ...

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    Cancer research millions 'fall short'


    The extra cash pledged by the government for cancer research between now and 2003 is well below what is needed to bring services up to standard, according to a leading charity.

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    Community cancer care nets £23m lottery funding


    The new opportunities fund has awarded £23m in lottery funding to community cancer care projects, focusing on particularly vulnerable communities. The 91 projects receiving funding will benefit people who are socially disadvantaged, isolated or hard-to-reach, including ethnic-minority communities, young patients and carers, and elderly people. Cancer awareness initiatives, 'hospice-at-home'schemes and ...

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    Prostate cancer research programme to begin


    Health secretary Alan Milburn has increased funding for prostate cancer research as part of a new NHS prostate cancer programme. The Department of Health will be directly funding £1.2m of research this year, rising to £4.2m by 2003-04.

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    Biotech firm 'will not charge'NHS for breast cancer tests


    Scottish biotechnology firm Rosgen has announced that it does not plan to charge the NHS for carrying out tests for mutations in two genes linked to breast cancer.

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    MP demands public probe into drinking water over fear of cancer/chlorine link nking water over


    The government is being urged to launch a public health probe into possible links between chlorinated tap water, cancer and problems in pregnancy.

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    News: English and Welsh cancer services


    The Commission for Health Improvement and the Audit Commission are to examine a random selection of health organisations as part of a review of cancer services. The findings will be used to assess progress in implementing the 1995 Calman-Hine report and the 1996 Cameron report on English and Welsh cancer ...

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    Trusts sidelined cancer funds out of research, MPs discover


    MPs have accused trusts of funnelling away funds earmarked for research on cancer.

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    Short Cuts: Cancer care programme to be extended in Wales


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has been asked to extend its programme on cancer care in Wales. NICE will carry out a two-year programme to provide guidance for clinicians and managers on the organisation of cancer services, minimum standards, access to new drugs and support for cancer patients and ...

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    Denham refers new round of cancer drugs to NICE


    The National Institute for Clinical Excellence is to rule on whether a range of anti-cancer drugs should be available on the NHS. Health minister John Denham has referred a series of treatments to NICE, in a two-year programme. The list covers therapies for lung, colorectal, blood, breast, ovarian, brain and ...

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    Short Cuts: Danish request for help from UK cancer centres


    Dr Ian Gibson, chair of the all-party parliamentary group on cancer, has released a letter from the department of oncology at Copenhagen University Hospital calling for help from NHS cancer centres in treating Danish cancer patients. Dr Gibson said the request was 'unrealistic' but showed 'the UK is not the ...

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    UK cancer survival statistics are 'misleading and demoralising'


    Media scare stories about poor UK cancer survival rates are a myth created by differences in collecting statistics between countries, Dr Harry Burns, Glasgow's director of public health, told delegates.

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    Cancer money may be spread wider in future


    Public health minister Yvette Cooper has said that NHS cancer research money may in future be spread wider than the big three cancer research centres.

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    Cancer drugs probe 'should take only months'


    NHS cancer 'czar' Mike Richards has told MPs he expects 'around a dozen' licensed cancer drugs currently prescribed by some health authorities to be formally assessed 'in the next few months'.

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    Ovarian cancer drug will cost HAs millions


    Health authorities will have to find millions of pounds to fund cancer drugs after the National Institute for Clinical Excellence backed the use of paclitaxel to treat patients with ovarian cancer.

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    Cancer centre roof collapse closes beds


    A leaking roof at a regional cancer centre forced the closure of 15 out of 60 beds last week and led to the suspension of 20 patient treatments.

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    10-month cancer delay casts doubt on ability to improve


    Cancer patients have been waiting up to 10 months for treatment, according to a national 'baseline audit' casting doubt on services' ability to improve at the pace demanded by the government and public.

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    New test for colon cancer in sight


    Scientists have identified a potential new screening technique, using skin cells, to identify people with an inherited predisposition to colorectal and other types of cancer .