All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 120
Duty of candour set to be extended to 100,000 incidents
NHS providers will be required to tell patients about all but the very least serious patient safety incidents under the new statutory duty of candour, if the recommendations of a government commissioned review are adopted into law.
Richards: CQC must improve inspection consistency
The Care Quality Commission must do more to improve the consistency of its judgements, the chief inspector of hospitals has said. He spoke after it emerged a leading London teaching hospital successfully challenged the regulator’s plan to issue it a warning notice.
Too many trust challenges will undermine CQC inspections
Regulator is on a learning curve with new regime
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CQC hospital ratings – the experimental phase begins
Challenges for the regulator and trusts
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CQC reports Medway emergency department 'in crisis'
A Care Quality Commission inspection report on the emergency department at Medway Maritime Hospital concluded it was “effectively in a crisis situation”.
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Southern Health death ‘preventable’
A lack of effective clinical leadership contributed to the death of an 18-year-old man at a mental health unit in Oxfordshire, an independent report has concluded.
CQC to review how it engages with public
The Care Quality Commission has said it is reviewing how it can engage more effectively with members of the public.
Ensuring staff are safe and sound – an HSJ roundtable
The drive to increase patient safety has led to a boost in NHS staff recruitment
CQC to improve referral to treatment monitoring
The CQC are improving their 18-weeks monitoring. It still isn’t perfect, but that may not be entirely their fault.
Regulators rule... but is that OK?
A forthright roundtable debate on the dangers of over-regulation
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Outgoing Heatherwood chief: 'This trust will not be fixed soon'
PERFORMANCE: The outgoing chief executive of Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust has said it will take “years” to fix the organisation, and predicted that a forthcoming Care Quality Commission inspection would find continuing failings in some aspects of care.
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CQC lifts Bath warning notice after inspection
The Care Quality Commission has published its inspection report into Royal United Hospital Bath Trust, concluding it is providing patients with good care.
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Regulator finds good care at Nottingham University Hospitals
The Care Quality Commission has published its inspection report into Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, concluding its services are safe, effective, responsive, caring and well led.
Groups raise concerns about fundamental standards
A body representing health charities has warned that draft “fundamental standards” being consulted on by the Department of Health could be “a backward step” for person centred care.
Exclusive: National bodies back community services plans
Efforts to develop quality indicators and a tariff payment system for community services providers have taken a leap forward after winning the support of the main national health leadership organisations, HSJ has discovered.
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Positive inspection for Dartford and Gravesham
The Care Quality Commission has published its inspection report into Dartford and Gravesham Trust, concluding that most services at its Darent Valley Hospital site are of a good quality.
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Evolution of the new intelligent monitoring tool
Replacing CQC’s quality and risk profiles
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Don’t be complacent, regulation is beginning to bite
Be prepared for the single failure regime