All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 74

  • primary care
    HSJ Local

    Commissioners challenge CQC over 'discrepancies' in GP ratings


    A commissioning group has challenged Care Quality Commission ratings after a quarter of its GP practices were listed as requiring improvement or inadequate.

  • Sir_Mike_Richards2

    Richards: Good leaders and staff engagement improve care despite pay restraint


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says staff must be “properly rewarded” Sir Mike says CQC report proves “cultural change” can happen quickly if trusts listen to staff Some trusts “undoubtedly” need capital investment but finances and quality can improve under good leadership, he says Sir Mike Richards has said ...

  • Weston General Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust shuts 'inadequate' A&E overnight after CQC safety warning


    Weston Area Health Trust “temporarily” shuts A&E overnight, citing difficulty maintaining safe staffing levels CQC issues formal warning over inadequate A&E services Comes amid wider plans to reconfigure unsustainable clinical services Trust remains committed to 24/7 urgent care but says service will be unlikely to be “full emergency department” ...

  • News

    Providers warn of 'scarce' resources as CQC launches new inspection regime


    New CQC assessment frameworks to be rolled out immediately with first new style inspections beginning in September Consultation responses reveal concerns that financial and commissioning pressures are limiting providers’ “ability to improve” CQC said it “cannot compromise” care quality standards but will use place based reviews to see how ...

  • Regulation jpg

    GP super partnerships could be assessed in same way as trusts


    CQC to develop new “provider level” assessment for large scale GP providers and new care models GP practices required to submit data on care quality annually Regulator to remove limit on amendments to providers’ ratings Large scale GP organisations and those providing new care models could be subject ...

  • Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Acute trust hit by 'culture of bullying' to change its name


    Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust to apply for name change Chief executive says change comes at a “pivotal moment” Costs of changing signs and stationery estimated at £10,000-£15,000 An acute trust is to apply to the Department of Health to change its name, which will draw a ...

  • mental health

    Analysis: Mental health services with the biggest leadership and safety risks


    HSJ analysis of CQC ratings shows a high correlation between poor leadership and safety concerns across mental health services Services with the poorest performance are those where recruitment and service demand pressures are high, leaders warn Struggling providers can “learn lessons” from outstanding trusts, says chief executive There ...

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Sir Mike Richards confirms July CQC exit


    Professor Sir Mike Richards will leave his role as chief inspector of hospitals at the Care Quality Commission at the end of July, he has told HSJ.

  • baby
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust brings in Morecambe Bay to tackle maternity concerns


    Trust served with CQC warning notice over maternity services Requirement notice served to address ‘staff competencies’ over CTG Trust supported by Morecambe Bay to improve maternity care A trust in special measures is working with Morecambe Bay Foundation Trust to improve its maternity services after regulators raised the ...

  • Andrea Sutcliffe

    CQC: Social care £2bn not just for cutting hospital delays


    Additional government funding for social care this Parliament is “there for social care in its entirety”, not only preventing delays in hospitals, the sector’s chief inspector has said.

  • Police
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust may face police probe


    Kettering General Hospital may face a police investigation over whistleblower allegations it deliberately manipulated RTT data Trust “absolutely refutes” allegations but admits 138 patients experienced harm due to overly long waits for operations Northamptonshire Police says it is “working in partnership” with the CQC and NHS Protect to review ...

  • Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust

    Trolley death trust criticised for "culture" of treating A&E patients in corridors


    Preliminary CQC findings criticise Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust for “culture” of treating the corridors as an extension of A&E, even when alternative space is available. Inspector intervenes in patient treatment during visit, after “time critical drugs” were not administered by trust staff. Safeguarding children training for staff cut because ...

  • Hospital room

    The best and worst performing trusts on patient experience


    Of the five NHS trusts underperforming for overall patient experience, two are in CQC special measures Five trusts are outliers for poor experience of community support after hospital discharge Five NHS trusts have been identified by the Care Quality Commission as having significantly poor overall patient experience scores.

  • Hospital room

    Inpatient survey: Longer waits and growing worries over discharge


    Overall patient experience of hospital care has held up despite rising concerns over long waits and support after discharge, according to the 2016 national inpatient survey.

  • push button technology switch innovation choice

    New CQC inspection model depends on £9m IT upgrade


    CQC said that if the IT project fails ”we won’t be able to deliver our programme on a reduced budget” “Relatively high” risk levels surround the project due to “fundamental gaps” in current skills and technology and potential to delay roll out of inspection dashboards Work to first begin ...

  • St Mary's Hospital Isle of Wight
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust rejects 14 per cent savings target


    Isle of Wight Trust initially accepted a control total deficit of £0.4m, which required savings of 14 per cent But following further financial deterioration it now has an £18.8m deficit plan Trust was rated inadequate by the CQC earlier this year An NHS trust that is trying to ...

  • Medical_cross

    Regulator action against hospitals more than doubles in a year


    CQC’s year-end performance report reveals 133 per cent jump in enforcement action CQC says it is seeing improvement when inspectors return to providers Regulator finished 2016-17 with a £14m underspend against budget The number of enforcement actions taken against hospital providers in England by the Care Quality Commission ...

  • Basildon Hospital

    Hospital group launches review over 'higher than expected' mortality


    South Essex trusts launch mortality review to address ‘higher than expected’ rates Basildon also carries out review following ‘sustained rise’ since 2014-15 ‘nadir’ Group MD ‘not concerned’ by Basildon rise, but warns group improvement will ‘take time’ Three Essex acute trusts establishing a new “group” model to run ...

  • Mike_Richards

    Independent hospital provider to NHS rated outstanding


    The Horder Centre independent provider to the NHS is rated outstanding Over 96 per cent of its outpatient and inpatient activity is funded by the NHS CQC praised the provider’s leadership as well as its involvement in a NHS England national vanguard orthopaedic service redesign project An independent ...

  • Household patients

    Conservatives: CQC given bigger role in social care and discharges


    Conservatives pledge to extend the “scope” of CQC’s oversight of local authorities Pledge will “take one step further” the CQC’s monitoring of local authority measures to reduce DTOCs Spokesman suggests role will be to reduce “variation in social care performance” The Conservative party has pledged in today’s manifesto ...