All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 81

  • Broadmoor
    HSJ Local

    Trust warned over staffing at Broadmoor hospital


    Regulators have ordered a mental health trust to make significant improvements at a high secure hospital, after concerns were raised in three inspections.

  • Calendar

    CQC sets out plan for annual trust inspections


    The Care Quality Commission is planning to “cross the threshold” of NHS trusts for inspections at least once a year, the regulator’s chair said this week.

  • Dame_Julie_Moore

    Julie Moore calls for 'one regulator' of providers


    Dame Julie Moore says NHS Improvement and CQC should combine She says Heart of England FT will need £200m in capital to fix estates Dame Julie calls for a government debate on how NHS is funded One of England’s leading trust chief executives has said there should be ...

  • Sir_Mike_Richards

    Richards: CQC cannot force removal of unfit trust directors


    Sir Mike Richards says it is not the responsibility of the CQC to force the removal of a director or judge their fitness for the role Chief inspector of hospitals says CQC has faced “unfair criticism” for its approach to the fit and proper persons test DH says CQC ...

  • handshake

    Patient body appoints new national director


    Healthwatch England, the national health and care “consumer champion”, has appointed Imelda Redmond as its new national director.

  • Lawrence dunhill expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    North by North West: 'Left to die alone'


    Essential insight into NHS matters in the North West of England, with a particular focus on the devolution project in Greater Manchester. By Lawrence Dunhill

  • clipboard admin targets nurse ward
    HSJ Local

    Scandal-hit FT 'starting to get to grips' with safety, says CQC


    CQC says Southern Health “starting to get to grips” with patient safety risks Follows inspection in September, following up on serious concerns raised earlier this year Leaders at Southern Health Foundation Trust are “starting to get to grips” with underlying issues putting patients at risk, according ...

  • Workforce

    National officials 'ensuring' STPs plan 'right skilled' staffing


    NHS England “ensuring” an STP “will put in place the right skilled workforce” Draft STP plan proposed savings through “reduction of nursing grade input” NHS England has told HSJ it is working with a sustainability and transformation plan on ”ensuring they will put in place the right skilled ...

  • Warrington Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Trust director faces CQC review after 'irregular' payoff deal


    Roger Wilson signed the exit deal for Jeanette Parkinson in 2012 A review of the deal found the senior midwife had been “significantly overpaid” Mr Wilson denies any “impropriety” and CQC panel will now consider the case An NHS director who agreed an “irregular” exit payment for a ...

  • Red pencil marking ticks in boxes

    CQC: Fraction of inspection ratings challenged


    Only 69 providers challenged final ratings awarded by the CQC from 10,840 inspections Three hospital trusts received changes in service ratings after review, but none had overall rating altered 51 primary medical services inspections were challenged, but only five have had ratings changed Only a fraction of hospitals ...

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Does the NHS have its eyes wide shut?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    Regulator to cut 400 posts


    CQC to cut 400 posts by 2019-20 after cumulative budget cuts of £32m by 2020 Inspection resources to be targeted on providers where “risk is greatest” Regulator is relying on new technology to be able to accurately track risk The Care Quality Commission is to cut 400 full-time ...

  • The Christie
    HSJ Local

    Trust awarded outstanding rating by CQC


    A nationally renowned specialist trust has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission.

  • city of london

    London NHS organisations call for 'whole system' regulation


    STP requests national bodies regulate accountable care organisations as a “single system” rather than on an individual organisation basis North East London plan outlines capital investment needs of £500m-£600m and asks for central support to cover “above normal” PFI costs Footprint to set up GP practices with diagnostic capability, ...

  • New Cross Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Updated: CQC upgrades trust's ratings following inspection appeal


    The Care Quality Commission has upgraded nine of its service ratings for The Royal Wolverhampton Trust following an appeal from the provider.

  • Robert Francis

    Time for a radical rethink on how regulators can improve patient safety


    The time may be right for a radical rethink of how professional regulation can contribute better to patient safety, writes Sir Robert Francis

  • manager

    Exclusive: Robert Francis calls for regulation of senior managers


    Sir Robert Francis says senior managers should be regulated as part of a reformed system The Mid Staffordshire public inquiry chair also questions the fit and proper person test Calls for professional regulators to change their focus to do more for patient safety Senior NHS managers should be ...

  • Leadership
    HSJ Local

    Hospital FT to be removed from special measures


    The chief inspector of hospitals has recommended a troubled acute foundation trust be removed from special measures.

  • Sir Mike Richards

    Exclusive: Quality and financial regulation could be joined, says Mike Richards


    Professor Sir Mike Richards says in future there might not be separate regulation of quality and finance Chief inspector of hospitals says rating trusts for use of resources is the “most challenging” issue for the CQC in the year ahead NHS Improvement director Kathy McLean says struggling trusts will ...

  • Wye Valley NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    'Hospital chain' trust leaves special measures


    Wye Valley recommended to leave special measures Trust rated requires improvement overall, with end of life care and critical care singled out for praise Trust told to improve performance against key waiting time targets A small acute trust with longstanding financial and performance problems is to come out ...