All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 85

  • Hospital operation

    CQC failing to record duty of candour breaches


    Patient safety charity found CQC only offers improvement recommendations to 41 per cent of trusts criticised under duty of candour Seven per cent of CQC reports made no mention of duty of candour CQC looking to improve oversight of duty of candour concerns The Care Quality Commission has ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: The cost of Kernow


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Shaun lintern expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern’s Risk Register: A change in tone on safe staffing?


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • David Behan

    Board member: NHS Improvement using CQC's name 'indiscriminately'


    Board member Michael Mire accuses NHS Improvement of using CQC’s name “indiscriminately” Asks if regulator’s name was included in recent pay growth review to make it “more acceptable” Mr Mire hints at wider concerns about how the CQC will manage future challenges A senior Care Quality Commission board ...

  • Whistle
    HSJ Local

    Whistleblowing manager given £240k payout in wake of bullying claims


    WORKFORCE: A senior manager who made accusations of bullying by the chief executive at a Yorkshire acute trust was given a £240,000 exit package two years after being placed on “special leave”, figures in the trust’s board papers reveal.

  • Savings must be found without any additional transitional finance to help establish new services
    Expert Briefing

    HSJ Catch Up: Overspend forecast for NHS England, and MCP contract options revealed


    Your essential update on the week in health

  • Yeovil District Hospital

    CQC wants 'sophisticated' approach to safe staffing


    CQC comments emphasise trust autonomy on safe staffing Regulator says it will not “back off” on safe staffing and trusts’ plans must be credible Clarification comes after NHS financial reset and focus on excess pay bill growth The Care Quality Commission has tried to strike a new tone ...

  • Paper files

    CQC to launch security review after losing personal data


    CQC loses 500 disclosure and barring service certificates after cabinet wrongly removed during office refurbishment Certificates relate to people who have applied to be “registered managers” and could include information about previous criminal convictions CQC alerted breach to Information Commissioner’s Office The Care Quality Commission is to launch ...

  • David Behan

    CQC chief: I'd let waiting times slide to protect quality


    David Behan says waiting times currently increasing as trusts “hold on to quality” CQC rules out “flexing” its ratings approach in response to “tight financial environment” Recognises providers are in a “really difficult position” trying to maintain financial and quality controls The chief executive of the Care Quality ...

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    CQC admits failings over patient experts contract


    CQC says it should have involved incumbent experts in contract procurement from the “outset” Detailed breakdown of costs in bid proposals should have been sought Review found CQC had “no contractual power” to get data from previous suppliers The Care Quality Commission has admitted “earlier engagement” and greater ...

  • Nick Hulme
    HSJ Local

    Special measures trust’s problems 'worse than I thought', says new chief


    Colchester “doesn’t feel like an organisation that has control of its day to day functioning”, says new chief executive Nick Hulme says he expects merger with Ipswich over the next 18 months to two years Merger timetable slowed considerably because of extent of care quality and performance issues ...

  • Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

    Mapped: The trusts and CCGs in new special measures regime


    NHS Improvement and NHS England have launched a new financial special measures regime for trusts and clinical commissioning groups which are not meeting their performance commitments.

  • Eileen_Sills

    CQC spent over £70k recruiting whistleblower guardian


    CQC spent £71,600 on recruitment of national guardian for NHS whistleblowers Regulator spent £61,300 on headhunters months before Carter review warned against using such firms First person in the role resigned after two months earlier this year The Care Quality Commission spent £71,600 recruiting the national guardian for ...

  • David Behan

    Exclusive: CQC says regulation must not be 'barrier' to new care models


    David Behan says regulation must not be “an unnecessary barrier to innovation” CQC admits new care models will lead to “periods of risk” Regulator to work in partnership with vanguards and STPs to develop “nimble” regulatory approach The Care Quality Commission has set out plans to ensure regulation ...

  • Mike Birtwistle

    Hunt stays put - but faces a whole new set of challenges


    Mike Birtwistle assesses how Jeremy Hunt might handle the very different demands of the new ministerial team 

  • Ambulance
    HSJ Local

    CQC warning notice to embattled ambulance trust


    NHS 111 calls not responded to quickly enough by South East Coast Ambulance Staffing shortages not handled efficiently, CQC finds Trust has until 10 September to respond to CQC QUALITY: The Care Quality Commission has issued a warning notice to South East Coast Ambulance Service Foundation Trust telling ...

  • Nicole ridgwell

    Can we expect nursing associates in the NHS by spring 2017?


    With stakes pegged high for public safety, it may be a while till a regulated framework for the new healthcare role is set up in the NHS

  • clipboard_meeting_notes_writing

    CQC: Local areas failing to assess integration progress


    Evaluation of current models of older people’s care integration are either not carried out or are insufficient, the Care Quality Commission has said.

  • depression_mental_health_elderly_man

    Midlands trust warned over 'unsafe' mental health wards


    CQC finds some hospital wards run by Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust “did not provide a safe environment” Finds “high level of use” of face-down restraint despite CQC warnings from 2014 Trust says it has “moved very quickly” to address any risks posed to patients QUALITY: Eleven ...

  • Jim Mackey

    Jim Mackey: 'The NHS is in a mess'


    Jim Mackey says he does not expect to fix the NHS’s problems but demands “progress” A&E is key priority and workforce identified as key problem News comes as data shows continued decline in performance this year NHS Improvement chief executive Jim Mackey has told senior managers the health ...