All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 90

  • Woman with clipboard
    HSJ Local

    FT hits out at CQC after hospital rated 'inadequate'


    CQC found A&E, outpatients and surgical services at Scunthorpe General Hospital had “either not improved or had deteriorated since our last inspection” Trust chief executive “extremely disappointed” Chair says “a number of aspects of the inspection have given us cause for concern” Bosses at Northern Lincolnshire and Goole ...

  • primary care

    GP roadmap may herald move to 'self-assessment', say sources


    GP roadmap could introduce more self-assessment for practices, as previously floated by CQC Sources tell HSJ “light touch” approach is being seriously considered The roadmap is due out next week GPs could face fewer inspections in future under a proposal being considered for the sector’s support package to ...

  • Shaun Lintern
    Expert Briefing

    Lintern's Risk Register: Doing the right thing


    Everything you need to stay up to date on patient safety and workforce, plus my take on the most important under-the-radar stories. From patient safety correspondent Shaun Lintern

  • University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
    HSJ Local

    Emergency department 'inadequate, chaotic and compromised safety'


    INSPECTION: Patient safety was compromised by inadequate services and a chaotic environment at Leicester Royal Infirmary, according to inspectors.

  • Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Updated: NHS Improvement threatens 'management changes' at Southern Health


    CQC issue Southern Health Foundation Trust with warning notice requiring it to improve safety arrangements Regulator inspected the trust in response to Mazars review, which highlighted failure of trust to properly investigate and learn from patient deaths CQC found trust had “failed to mitigate significant risks” posed by “physical ...

  • HSJ Local

    Medway faces deficit of over £50m


    FINANCE: Medway Foundation Trust is set to end the 2015-16 financial year with a deficit of £52.5m as its future looks ever more uncertain.

  • Whistle

    New rules planned to prevent 'blacklisting' of NHS whistleblowers


    New regulations will be created after powers granted to the health secretary in 2015 following the Freedom to Speak Up Review Sir Robert Francis QC said his review heard evidence from whistleblowers suggesting some were being blacklisted by NHS organisations Regulations covering all NHS trusts and national bodies will ...

  • David Behan

    Updated: CQC to hike trust fees by 75 per cent


    CQC fees for smaller trusts to increase by £58,656 next year Fees for GP practices to triple but government will cover extra cost CQC chooses most bullish of the options it consulted on, moving to “full cost recovery” from providers over two years The Care Quality Commission will ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    Transparency league table problems not a 'question of competence'


    Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has dismissed as “harsh” a suggestion that problems with the recently published “learning from mistakes” league table raised a “question of competence” over the government’s handling of improvement initiatives.

  • Mouse_computer_work

    Cyber security plans outlined amid 'mounting concern' of attacks


    Information centre to discuss raft of cyber security proposals Proposals include call for central contingency fund to deal with a system-wide security incident There is “mounting concern” among experts about cyber attacks on patient data, report says The Health and Social Care Information Centre will this week consider ...

  • Patient with alarm
    HSJ Local

    Trust told to improve mental health services


    PERFORMANCE: Older people’s mental health wards across Sussex require improvement, according to the Care Quality Commission.

  • Whistle

    Whistleblower guardian job may remain part-time despite criticism


    CQC job advert for national guardian will be for minimum of three days a week Previous guardian resigned after two months because she was unable to balance role with other job Sir Robert Francis says many local guardians are not what he “envisaged” in whistleblowing review The Care ...

  • Stack of reports

    Francis adviser to lead inquiry into 'heart breaking' baby death


    Professor Peter Hutton will lead inquiry into care and treatment of Elizabeth Dixon National patient safety director says her parents deserve answers Health secretary Jeremy Hunt intervened after PHSO and NHS England declined to investigate An adviser to the Mid Staffs public inquiry will lead an investigation into ...

  • Homerton University Hospital

    CQC: Stark contrast in maternity inspections due to 'different hypothesis'


    CQC rated maternity unit at Homerton as “inadequate” for safety in 2015 after rating it “good” the previous year Internal review finds that different “hypothesis” and unannounced second inspection led to different findings CQC was contacted by whistleblower about maternal deaths before first inspection, but this did not feature ...

  • southend hospital

    Hospital shuts beds after CQC raises staffing ratio concerns


    Hospital forced into temporary bed closures after CQC raises concerns about staff shortages Trust also pledged “immediate action” on stroke services to ensure they are safe The trust is offering “golden handshake incentives” for newly qualified nurses in bid to secure more staff PERFORMANCE: Southend University Hospital Foundation ...

  • A Marie Curie Nurse makes a female patient comfortable

    Patient review websites promise reform after investigation


    Three websites providing reviews of care homes agree to improve practices after CMA highlights concerns with online review sector Two of the sites are CQC “review partners” which share feedback with the regulator Changes also apply to other NHS review sites Websites which provide online reviews of NHS ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    47 trust chiefs and chairs to be NHS Improvement advisers


    NHS Improvement has brought together two advisory panels composed of chairs and chief executives from NHS trusts.

  • Bridget hopwood
    HSJ Knowledge

    Exploring a child’s-eye view of NHS healthcare


    Parental feedback has long shaped NHS care, but until recently there has been little evidence gathered about patient experiences through the eyes of children. But as Bridget Hopwood and Sarah-Ann Burger write, change is under way

  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, University Hospitals Birmingham FT

    Birmingham trust 'failed to respond to safety concerns over surgery'


    Concerns over cardiac surgery raised repeatedly at University Hospitals Birmingham CQC report identifies bullying and blame culture Incidents were not always appropriately graded “Lack of governance processes” also identified in heart surgery unit A leading teaching hospital trust “failed to take effective action” after concerns were repeatedly raised ...

  • Eileen Sills

    National whistleblower guardian resigns after two months


    Dame Eileen Sills steps down as national guardian for NHS whistleblowers after just two months She says it was “not possible” to combine the role with being nursing director of Guy’s and St Thomas’ FT Sir Robert Francis to provide “non-executive support” to the office Dame Eileen Sills, ...