All Care Quality Commission (CQC) articles – Page 91

  • Sir Mike Richards

    CQC investigates Birmingham trust over cardiac surgery deaths


    CQC launches investigation into cardiac surgery at UHB Chief inspector of hospitals finds significant concerns over safety, effectiveness and responsiveness The Care Quality Commission has launched an investigation into adult heart surgery at University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation Trust after an audit identified the service as a mortality outlier.

  • handshake

    Berwick: CQC can be 'engine' for spreading best practice


    Don Berwick welcomes CQC’s move towards more “risk based inspection” Says NHS Improvement can balance two roles to improve quality and grip finances Warns against regulators “yelling harder” and putting people’s “feet to the fire” Don Berwick has said the Care Quality Commission could become the “engine” for ...

  • Anita charlesworth 3x2

    It's the workforce, stupid: or what's really going on with the deficit


     The Health Foundation’s Anita Charlesworth on the real issues behind the shortfall in provider funds

  • Defeating deficits

    Exclusive: Deficit trusts more likely to provide worse care, research finds


    Providers with financial problems more likely to have quality concerns and operate from fewer hospital sites, according to Health Foundation research Report finds significant association between poor financial performance, spending on agency staff and the proportion of income received via the national tariff. No link found between financial performance ...

  • Rob Webster

    Look in the staff survey mirror and ask: am I the bully?


    The positivity so evident in the NHS and its staff should be celebrated - and the stain of bullying eradicated, writes Rob Webster

  • board room

    Trust's directors face 'fit and proper' test after harassment case


    CQC and Monitor take action at Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust to improve governance Trust ordered to carry out fit and proper person checks on all board directors It failed to carry out checks following employment tribunal ruling in 2015 PHSO deputy ombudsman Mick Martin implicated in sexual harassment case ...

  • Homerton University Hospital
    HSJ Local

    CQC admits it missed things at ‘unacceptable’ maternity unit


    Chief inspector of hospitals indicates regulator found things in second inspection of Homerton University Hospital it missed in first inspection Re-inspection triggered by deaths of five mothers over 18 months CQC board member says trusts able to prepare before announced inspections to “show off the hospitals in the best ...

  • Great Ormond Street
    HSJ Local

    Iconic specialist hospital discovers 7,000 patients missed off waiting list


    Great Ormond Street Hospital finds 7,000 patients who should have been on its waiting list that were not recorded “Small number” of patients sent to other providers as GOSH seeks to ensure no patients were harmed GOSH has not reported waiting times data since July PERFORMANCE: An internationally ...

  • Jennifer_Dixon

    Exclusive: NHS needs national centre for quality improvement, says report


    Report co-authored by Don Berwick calls for national centre of quality improvement expertise Criticises reliance on inspection for improvement as “too costly, too weak and inimical to dynamic change” Chris Ham warns that freedom of NHS organisations is being “reduced” as national bodies tighten “grip” A “national centre ...

  • Hospital merger puzzle
    HSJ Local

    Trust mergers should ‘come into fashion’, says chief executive


    Chief executives of Calderstones and Mersey Care trusts say more mergers should be used “to create organisations that are strong and sustainable” The trusts are due to merge this summer Comments follow turnarounds at Calderstones Hospital and Wexham Park STRUCTURE: Two more trust chief executives have made the ...

  • inspection

    CQC’s first assessment of whole health economy released


    CQC finds quality of providers in north Lincolnshire “broadly in line” with national average but health outcomes worse “Financial sustainability” of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT and clinical recruitment identified as problems Report is CQC’s first “place based” assessment of care quality The Care Quality Commission has published ...

  • Alastair Mclellan - Innovators

    Well done, Sir Andrew – but your job is not done just yet


    Sir Andrew Morris cannot rest on his laurels after his celebrated turnaround of Wexham Park

  • Calderstones Partnership Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Vast improvements recognised at Calderstones


    PERFORMANCE: A learning disability hospital which will be forced to close in the next three years is expected to receive a “good” rating from the Care Quality Commission next week.

  • Wexham Park Hospital

    CQC hails merger trust for ‘most impressive’ ever transformation


    CQC says Wexham Park Hospital’s improvement under Frimley Health FT is “most impressive” it has seen Rating upgraded from “inadequate” to “good” Hospital was run by Heatherwood and Wexham Park Hospitals FT until October 2014 The Care Quality Commission has praised the “remarkable” improvement in care at Wexham ...

  • Andrew Morris

    Frimley chief calls for increase in NHS takeovers


    Sir Andrew Morris says “clinical leadership” key to successful acquisition of Heatherwood and Wexham Park Foundation Trust Says NHS still has “too many organisations on the provider and commissioning side” Frimley Health “not at the moment” looking at extending to a “hospital chain” The NHS should do trust ...

  • Regulation jpg
    HSJ Knowledge

    Get to the bottom of the CQC strategy consultation


    Improving its use of data, a single shared view of quality and assessment of the use of resources are among the key focus areas in the Care Quality Commission’s final consultaion on its 2016-21 strategy. Samantha Cox writes

  • Chaand Nagpaul

    BMA to canvass GPs over 'mass resignation'


    GP representatives push BMA to survey willingness to sign undated resignation letters in protest at funding, workforce and regulatory grievances Call for “resilience teams” to be parachuted into practices that seek help with staffing shortages BMA conference votes to find “lawful” ways of disengaging with CQC inspections ...

  • community services care worker elderly woman patient

    CQC makes wage pledge in bid to dampen patient expert row


    CQC makes wage pledge to all “experts by experience”’ who transfer to new contractor Move follows anger at reports that Remploy was planning to cut hourly rates by more than half All who transfer will be guaranteed £15 per hour for first six months of the contract The ...

  • Hinchingbrooke Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Hinchingbrooke fails to exit special measures


    Hinchingbrooke Health Care Trust should remain in special measures, the Care Quality Commission has recommended.

  • Medway Maritime hospital
    HSJ Local

    Ambulances may be diverted from failing trust


    ACUTE CARE: Medway Foundation Trust could see some blue light ambulances sent to another hospital in response to public concern.