All Change management articles – Page 13
Prior: reform the NHS 'or see it go bust'
A radical shift in the culture of the NHS is needed to rid it of outdated working practices, cure it of widespread bullying and heal the damaging rift between managers and clinicians, the chairman of the Care Quality Commission has warned.
Testing times for pathology − an HSJ supplement
Integrating the latest advances into the patient care pathway
Pathology conference: view from the panel and delegates
Asking the big questions at the HSJ/Roche pathology conference
HSJ Knowledge
'I know my place': Hospital middle managers have their say
New survey examines the role
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Seven day services: An alternative perspective
An alternative view of seven day services
HSJ Knowledge
Rising Stars: Why 80s kids will transform the NHS
A new set of values will define the next generation of leaders
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Best of 2013: International innovation
What healthcare systems around the world can teach the NHS
Lord Darzi: A global response to the healthcare crisis
Patient-driven care stimulates innovation and boosts quality
The path to a robust NHS starts with making it 'anti-fragile'
But the journey will not be easy
HSJ Knowledge
Ten ways to get the most from your IT system
A look at why IT projects fail and how to realise the benefits
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Helen Bevan: Three steps to a new innovation strategy
How to achieve better healthcare services from existing resources
HSJ Knowledge
Six questions non-executives should ask their boards
Focus on the key questions that matter when managing change
The NHS's next big idea − an HSJ transformation supplement
Transforming your trust: HCA and technological development
HSJ Knowledge
The museum of NHS failure
Learning from past mistakes can be as instructive as successes
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Why 'cookie cutter' change programmes won't work
There is more to replicating success than ‘copy and paste’
HSJ Knowledge
When change must be fast as well as furious
How one chief executive transformed his new FT
HSJ Knowledge
Clare Gerada: Disruptive innovation does more harm than good
A stark choice between revolution and evolution is a false dichotomy
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How to lead staff through unprecedented change
Strategies and characteristics for new NHS leaders
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How to be an effective clinical leader
An overview of the qualities required to lead in the new NHS