All Change management articles – Page 23
'Now with 25pc more reason to believe'
“Hope is a key differentiator between those NHS organisations that succeed and those that don’t,” says the NHS Institute’s Helen Bevan. She adds, “the driving force of hope is belief” - belief that things can be improved.
HSJ Knowledge
How to put 'nudge' principles to work in the health service
The power of nudge: how applying nudge principles could change healthcare commissioning management
HSJ Knowledge
How to manage career worries following spending cuts
As huge changes sweep through the NHS, Mark Laffan explores how leaders can weather the storm and ensure they get the best for, and from, their team.
HSJ Knowledge
How localism can work for the NHS
What are the advantages, opportunities and risks of the localism the government wants for services and how will ‘citizen leaders’ manage their roles? Phil Kenmore looks at the implications
Nicholson's appointment to NCB sparked by concern over reforms
The “surprising” appointment of David Nicholson to head up the new NHS commissioning board may have been prompted by growing government concern about the NHS reforms, HSJ has been told.
Emergency targets scrapped in favour of performance measures
The four-hour accident and emergency target and the 19 minute category B response time for ambulances are to be scrapped, the government announced today.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Made to Stick
You can make sure your messages have a strong grab, says James Potter.
The NHS needs to change faster: here’s how to do it
Welcome to this special supplement, which introduces Rapid Spread. It is a new idea that is now being tested in the NHS.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: The Solutions Focus
A focus on simple solutions is just too simple to win over Liz Hedgecock
'Is cost-cutting turning managers into bullies?'
Is the harsh financial climate in the public sector leading to a return to the bad old ways of “macho” management in the NHS?
'Is the answer to have more black senior NHS managers?'
Why do so few people from ethnic minorities make it into the top jobs in the public sector?
HSJ Knowledge
Payment by Results - conference sessions
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Payment by Results conference.
HSJ Knowledge
Payment by Results
A business critical briefing from HSJ’s Payment by Results conference.
HSJ Knowledge
How to improve operational effectiveness in hospitals
Neil Griffiths and colleagues introduce a series of articles and an online hub on improving operational effectiveness
'Stalinist Whitehall controls will be needed'
I felt a bit sorry for Phil Morley, chief executive of the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust, getting roughed up on the radio after Dr Foster’s sleuths named his patch as the place where patients are most likely to die of complications after routine operations.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: What Colour is your Parachute?
James Potter welcomes useful tips for making a safe landing in a new job
Ali Parsa: the NHS must learn to put quality ahead of price
Under a new approach to procurement, value for money rather than price will determine who is awarded contracts
Mark Britnell: quick fixes for making efficiency gains
Some people think more cash is coming for the NHS, but just in case it isn’t, here are some instant gains we can make in the meantime
HSJ Knowledge
10 high-impact changes to older people’s services
Work is needed for older people’s services to keep becoming more personalised and preventative, say Kerry Allen and Jon Glasby
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Beyond Crisis
The world faces critical times and must keep self renewing, says Anoop Maini