All Change management articles – Page 32
Paul Corrigan on holding out for a heroic NHS leader
NHS culture isn’t just self protective. Like most cultures its internal obsession and expectations can harm the people inside it as much as it rejects those outside.
Jenny Rogers on the irritating whine of the complainant
My friend B has been dismayed by the poor standard of treatment her husband has received at their local acute trust.
Derek Campbell: There can be no progress without prevention
The impending financial squeeze makes it more important than ever to invest in preventing ill health in communities, rather than simply spending more on treatment
Steve Barnett says it’s 'make or break' for the NHS
The NHS is facing a “make or break” moment in its history, NHS Confederation chief executive Steve Barnett told delegates at the conference today.
A guide to clinical champions and commissioning
Building effective clinical leadership and engagement is the key to improving services, writes Jackie Kay
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: Think Again – why good leaders make bad decisions and how to keep it from happening to you
Make the right decisions and safeguard your thinking, write Richard Mitchell and Janine Chandler
HSJ Knowledge
The Griffiths report: 25 years on
Twenty-five years ago Roy Griffiths famously said: ‘If Florence Nightingale were carrying her lamp through the NHS today she would be searching for the people in charge.’ When he set out his subsequent plan to overhaul management, staff feared it would be the end of the health service - Peter ...
PCTs leave public on the policy sidelines
Primary care trusts are failing to put patients and the public at the centre of the very strategies designed to engage them.
David Nicholson warns SHAs not to be defensive over visits
Strategic health authorities have been warned not to “guard the borders” if they want to get the most out of their assurance process.
NHS cuts will be chance for staff to be new radicals
Existing NHS systems will not cope with the financial crisis enveloping the public sector.
HSJ Knowledge
Book Review: First, Break all the Rules - what the world's greatest managers do differently
Explore the minds of the world’s top performing leaders, says Leonie Schell
Helen Bevan on the pitfalls of NHS cost reduction
I have just returned from an international improvement forum, involving healthcare leaders from 67 countries. Everyone was talking about the economic challenges ahead.
Round table - health Innovation: the future's bright
As spending is reined in the NHS must find ways to increase quality without raising costs. The answer, according to chief executive David Nicholson, is innovation. Jennifer Taylor finds out how the NHS can become cutting edge while stimulating economic growth
David Peat on embracing NHS change
Attitudes to the idea of change have always fascinated me. And I suppose I’m revisiting the concept since I’m on the verge of changing my own role in the NHS by moving on to take up a new post at strategic health authority level.
A third of NHS hospitals could miss EWTD deadline
Up to 28 per cent of hospital rotas risk missing August’s deadline for complying with the European working time directive, strategic health authorities are predicting.
Paul Corrigan: Darwin's theory on the NHS
The greatest truth in Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is that to survive in a rapidly changing environment, species must adapt. And for a species to be adaptable it needs to love diversity.
Sophia Christie on NHS crisis and opportunity
An emerging policy consensus looks to innovation to save the NHS. The context is an emerging “perfect storm” of financial crisis, global warming, obesity, longer lives with greater dependency and fewer working age people to pay taxes.
How long can Southend Hospital remain off the NHS Agenda for Change?
Southend University Hospital opted out of Agenda for Change and local terms and conditions for 95 per cent of its eligible staff. Alison Moore looks at how this independence is working out
David Furness: Keep local people in on the act
The Budget has set the scene for a grim period in NHS finances, so accountability to the public must play an even greater role, not least in relation to local commissioning
Imperial College Healthcare pioneers shift in managerial relations
Imperial College Healthcare trust chief executive Steve Smith tells Alastair McLellan how the new academic health science centre allowed a radical cultural shift to clinical leadership