All Change management articles – Page 35
Naomi Chambers on NHS boards and organisational performance
As the Healthcare Commission's annual health check comes to a close, after congratulatory notes are received, press releases carefully crafted, protests lodged, or wounds licked in private, how often do boards ask themselves: what part have we played in our organisation's performance this year?
South Essex Partnership foundation trust secures university status
A mental health trust has fought ‘discrimination’ to become the first community-based NHS organisation to gain university trust status.
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Super trusts: unite and conquer
Five of the country's top performers are banding together to gain international renown for their research and healthcare. Will these new supercentres lead to competition or collaboration in their pursuit of glory? Ann McGauran finds out
Stephen Eames on managing by fear
Up here in the North East the community is still reeling from the collapse of Northern Rock and is now watching with horror the ongoing farcical spectacle that is Newcastle United Football Club.
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Publishing death rates: no dead certainties?
There has been a degree of disquiet about publishing mortality rates. Supporters hoped this would lead to greater transparency, quality and patient choice - but has reality matched expectations? Daloni Carlisle reports
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NHS staff 'should be thinking differently'
The NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement has released an introductory guide to encourage more creative thinking in clinical and managerial staff at all levels of healthcare.
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NHS Institute's burning ambitions at end of the beginning
For three years the NHS Institute has been improving services by helping trusts innovate. Now, says its chief executive, it relishes the challenge of expanding its role without diluting its benefits.
David Peat on the NHS learning curve
You know how you sometimes tend to look at long-past events through rose-tinted glasses, perhaps foolishly allowing yourself to think everything was somehow better 'back in the good old days'?
Media Watch: NHS complaints
First they complained about the service, now they are complaining about the complaints system.
Out of hours care standards to be applied to urgent care
National standards for out of hours providers could be extended to cover some in-hours services.
Patient information consultation begins
Connecting for Health has launched a consultation on the use of patient information. It wants the public and health professionals to give their views on the use of patient information for purposes such as health research and managing and planning care.
DH publishes plans for failing NHS trusts
The Department of Health has published its proposals for managing failing NHS hospitals and trusts.
Chair of NHS co-operation and competition panel named
The first chair and director of the NHS co-operation and competition panel will be Lord Carter of Coles. He will take up the post in October.
Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on his last column
This will be my last column. While working in London I could sustain the roles of foundation trust chief executive, a member of various national boards, HSJ columnist and playing in my band.
Working group on women in medicine holds first meeting
The first meeting of the national working group on women in medicine took place this week.
London Health Commission appoints chairman
Councillor Mary O'Connor has been appointed chairman of the London Health Commission.
Huge contrasts found between UK nations
Patients in the UK’s four nations have dramatically different experiences of the NHS, HSJ can reveal.
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Darzi workforce plans offer a real chance for staff
Ambitious promises to the NHS workforce have been enshrined in the NHS constitution. Will weasel words help employers dodge the commitments or can bargaining and hard work make them stick?
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Lessons learned from competition in the tender process
Bristol Community Health reflects on lessons learned during the tendering process for community health services
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Devolved power flows through Darzi's vision
The next stage review's warm reception was testament to the staff and patient engagement that informed it. Now, says NHS chief executive David Nicholson, that local ownership will energise its implementation