All Change management articles – Page 37

  • HSJ Knowledge

    NHS60: Oil in the wheels


    The Tribal consultancy says policy change sets off an emotional cycle in those affected - but resistance can be smoothed out

  • News

    New tool to assess patient involvement


    The Social Care Institute for Excellence has developed an audit tool to help service providers assess how they involve people in the way they run services.

  • Comment

    Malcolm Lowe-Lauri on NHS co-operation


    I'm now in the East Midlands as chief executive of University Hospitals of Leicester. UHL took a hit last year with the termination - rightly - of Pathway, its private finance initiative project.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Anyone here a doctor who speaks nurse?


    Tower of Babel-esque communication problems in the NHS are more than just a nuisance - they cost lives. How can the service prevent acronyms, tribes and egos putting patients at unavoidable risk, asks Mark Gould

  • Leader

    BMA campaign trades on fear and ignorance


    One has to admire the British Medical Association. Getting people to campaign against health service closures is easy, but it takes a particular talent to get the public to campaign against service openings.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How Confed can make the next big change


    The NHS Confederation has changed shape many times in its history. As it dances a line between its members and government, can it finally evolve to meet the challenges of the next few years?

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to generate staff enthusiasm


    Which qualities are needed in those who lead their organisation's services transformation? Triona Buckley sets out one trust's formula

  • News

    Report proposes a single Welsh mental health body


    Mental health services across Wales should be overseen by a single body to plan and deliver mental health provision, including hospital and community-based services and social services, says a report for ministers.

  • News

    Board diversity


    I read with great interest the article by Nicola Bullen about diversity on NHS boards. Even after 60 years of the NHS, it is still run by middle-aged, middle-class white people, albeit with a few more women. So what is the reason behind this lack of progress, despite the recent ...

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    Paul Jennings on listening to staff


    Improving communication with staff took Walsall Teaching primary care trust from the bottom 10 per cent to the top 10 per cent in the national staff survey

  • News

    DH outlines world class commissioning test


    The Department of Health has published the framework for the world class commissioning assurance programme, but primary care trusts must wait until the summer publication of health minister Lord Darzi's next stage review to learn what incentives and rewards will be earned by the highest achievers.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Steve Onyett on transformational leadership


    Picture the scene. Two clinical teams have received disappointing performance assessments. In each team, a senior manager brings the team members and their line manager together for an action planning workshop.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Turnaround troubleshooter at the top


    NHS fixer Jan Filochowski believes honesty with staff is the first step to dealing with a trust in crisis. Alison Moore reports

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    Noel Plumridge on why safety is just a ritual


    A Flybe flight from Southampton to Leeds-Bradford. Through security and reunited with belt and shoes. The flight is called. Walk across the tarmac, climb the stairs and claim seat 4A.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Performance assessment: the management battle


    There is a clear link between good management and better healthcare, but NHS managers' performance lags behind the private sector

  • News

    David Nicholson speaks at Patient Safety Congress 2008


    NHS chief executive David Nicholson has called for national targets and local leadership to improve patient safety in the NHS.

  • HSJ Partners

    Paul Allen on business principles for the NHS


    Last year, I wrote an article for this column on the role leadership plays in building and sustaining great organisations. It featured the work of Jim Collins, author of Good to Great and Built To Last.

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    Keith Pearson on non-executive champions


    If I were asked to describe the role of non-executive directors in the NHS succinctly, I could do it in two words - local champions.

  • News

    Latest regional Darzi report aims to boost life expectancy


    NHS South West has unveiled ambitious plans to match the best life expectancy rates in Europe in its regional Darzi vision, published today.

  • News

    Inquiry shows gap in paediatric training


    Children and young people with life-threatening illness are not being treated appropriately because professionals caring for them are not trained in paediatrics, the world's first confidential inquiry into child deaths has found.