All articles by Charlotte – Page 37

  • News

    Managers criticised over reconfiguration plans


    Chief executives in North Staffordshire have responded to a scathing report in which senior managers were criticised for failing to collaborate over reconfiguration plans.

  • News

    PCT threatened with court over fight for information


    NHS trusts have been urged to learn from a primary care trust that became the first organisation to be threatened with High Court action for failing to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

  • News

    Most ambulance trusts off course for new target


    At least three-quarters of England's ambulance trusts look set to miss a new target for the time taken to respond to life-threatening emergencies.

  • News

    Department outlines 18 quality standards


    All health organisations will have to comply with a new set of 18 safety and quality standards under proposals unveiled in a Department of Health consultation this week.

  • News

    Guidance omits time limit on inquiries into patient killings


    Concerns over time it takes for health organisations to investigate fatal attacks by mental health patients have not been addressed in the first detailed guidance on the subject.

  • News

    Census shows wide variation in numbers of clinical staff


    The government's boast that the NHS has been swelled by thousands of extra clinical staff masks wide regional variations and a flattening in the number of nurses and GPs.

  • News

    Prison drugs care 'below 'standard'


    A think tank has criticised prison drug services for falling short of 'even minimum standards' and called on the government to take action.

  • News

    Posts left open as national locum shortage takes hold


    Leaked Department of Health documents reveal a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'.HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and the DH insisted as recently as 14 February this year that there was no evidence of a widespread ...

  • News

    No probes into London mental health killings


    NHS managers who failed to investigate nearly half of the murders and manslaughters carried out by London mental health patients over a four-year period will not be held to account.

  • News

    Chief medic warns safety standards not high enough


    The core standards used to measure trusts' performance in annual assessments are 'not strong enough' on patient safety, the chief medical officer has told HSJ.

  • News

    Doctors 'battered with targets' as pockets 'lined with gold'


    Tony Blair's former chief adviser on public service reform has accused the government of 'battering' doctors with targets and 'lining their pockets with gold'.

  • News

    Only one in 20 ambulance managers is from minority


    Ambulance trusts have emerged as having the lowest proportion of ethnic minority managers of any NHS sector in England, figures obtained by HSJ reveal.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Why are there so few BME managers?


    With the vast majority of senior NHS managers classed as white, why are there still so few from black and minority ethnic backgrounds? Charlotte Santry reports

  • News

    Leaked memo reveals national locum shortage


    Leaked Department of Health documents have revealed a national shortage of locum hospital doctors, with some trusts reporting they are 'lucky if applicants attend for interview'. HSJ first highlighted the issue last year and as recently as 14 February the DH was insisting there is no evidence of a widespread ...

  • News

    Johnson said to favour principles over 'rights'


    Health secretary Alan Johnson is against a patients' charter-style NHS constitution, HSJ has been told.

  • News

    Department plays down medic supply fears


    The Department of Health has tried to dampen fears that the NHS faces a drop in the supply of European labour, which experts say could lead to doctor shortages.

  • News

    'Dangerous' surgeons being put on specialist register


    Doctors deemed to be a danger to patients are being put on the specialist register and permitted to work as consultant surgeons, HSJ has learnt.

  • News

    New super-regulator begins to take shape


    Last week the bill that will see the merger of three regulators began its process through the Lords. But there are warnings that detail on the new legislation is sketchy, leaving trusts in the dark over how it will affect them. Charlotte Santry reports

  • News

    Johnson irks committee as he ducks careers queries


    Health secretary Alan Johnson has rankled MPs by refusing to answer questions at a health select committee inquiry into Modernising Medical Careers.Mr Johnson batted off a series of questions about junior doctors' training, saying he could not comment before the Department of Health's formal response to the Tooke report.

  • News

    Unions warn nurses will be jack of all trades


    Nurses will become mere 'handmaidens' who lack leadership skills under planned changes to nursing careers, unions have warned.