All articles by Charlotte – Page 39

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    Care Quality Commission could threaten accountability, Monitor warns


    A new super-regulator will not provide any extra safeguards for patients and could lead to duplication, Monitor has warned.

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    Healthy diet messages not hitting home


    Healthy eating messages are failing to change people's decisions on what food to buy, a government report has warned.

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    Battle of the sexes: the mixed ward row that won't lie down


    Early Labour promises to abolish mixed-sex wards have turned into vague aspirations, while the definition of single-sex accommodation appears to have changed. Is the government cheating or is it right to leave the decision to trusts, asks Charlotte Santry

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    Health and Social Care Bill under fire over safety


    Regulators have issued a grave warning to the government that proposed reforms will 'fatally weaken' their independence and pose a significant risk to patient safety.

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    Trusts urged to recruit anti-infection staff


    Hospitals have been pressed to employ up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control.The government has set aside up to £45m to be invested in the scheme, out of a £270m fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections.

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    Strong endorsement for Tooke workforce review


    Proposals to scrutinise strategic health authorities' performance on workforce planning have won overwhelming endorsement from the NHS.

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    government's infection control strategy


    Hospitals have been told to recruit up to five extra specialist staff as part of a government strategy to improve infection control. The government wants up to£45million to be invested on the scheme, out of a£270million fund identified in the comprehensive spending review for reducing healthcare-acquired infections. But trusts are ...

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    Government ignored warnings over medical training reforms


    The government sidelined two top medical advisers to rush through the doomed online recruitment system for junior doctors, MPs were told last week.

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    Move to stop NHS re-hiring sacked executives


    Glowing references for sacked senior managers could be banned in a government clampdown on embarrassing pay-offs.

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    New health check will rate PCT commissioning skills


    Primary care trusts will be assessed on the quality of commissioning as part of next year's health check.

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    Specialist mental health services at risk, say campaigners


    The closure of a psychiatric hospital could be a 'warning sign' that specialist mental health services across the country are at risk, campaigners fear.

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    GPs told to be local leaders


    The new chair of the Royal College of GPs has criticised family doctors for failing to 'stand up and shout' about public health issues.

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    Junior doctor training regime sparks locum crisis


    Hospitals say they have been hit by a 'frightening' shortage of locum staff because of changes to junior doctors' training.

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    Medics were 'hoodwinked' into accepting MMC


    Doctors have accused the government of 'hoodwinking' them into accepting controversial changes to medical training. The Department of Health ignored the profession's objections to Modernising Medical Careers, the Commons health select committee was told last Thursday.

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    Report exposes failings of private mental healthcare


    Commissioners have been urged to check the quality of private mental health providers, as figures reveal many are failing to meet national standards.

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    Figures underpinning Darzi's London review 'dodgy'


    Questions have been raised over the 1.4bn annual savings identified in junior health minister Lord Darzi’s blueprint for healthcare in London.

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    Johnson will choose Care Quality Commission chief


    The Conservatives have questioned why appointments to the new super-regulator will be made by the government instead of the NHS Appointments Commission.

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    Mental health advocacy services delayed six months


    Advocacy services for mental health patients subject to community treatment orders are not expected to be introduced until six months after the orders are brought in.

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    New security website launched


    The NHS security management service has launched a new Safe & Secure Health Facilities website. It aims to provide a single point of reference on information of interest to those with responsibility for NHS security matters. It is for members of staff such as local security management specialists, senior ...

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    Professor urges management skills for medics


    Doctors need to be better equipped with managerial skills to help improve the financial health of the organisations they work in, a Harvard business professor has said.Harvard Business School senior lecturer in business administration Professor Richard Bohmer, who runs a masters course in business administration for trainee doctors, said they ...