All Children's services articles – Page 19

  • mental health child
    HSJ Local

    Staffing and leadership monitored at private hospital in special measures


    NHS England is closely monitoring staff “capacity and capability” at Huntercombe Hospital in Stafford after damning CQC report One ward remains closed and two have capped capacity CQC has completed a follow-up inspection, which the hospital says found improvements The “capacity and capability” of staff at the Huntercombe ...

  • Children at school

    Child protection system still lacks data on 87,000 children


    Local authorities face technical difficulties uploading information None of the four children’s specialist trusts have successfully implemented child protection information sharing system False negatives “raise a risk” for children with protection plans Nearly three quarters of children with child protection plans do not have their details stored on ...

  • mental_health_brain_head

    Private children's hospital rated inadequate across the board


    An independent children’s mental health hospital has been placed in special measures after a damning inspection found safety concerns including staff shortages and overuse of restraint on patients.

  • Stafford Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Stafford hospital A&E stops seeing children amid safety fears


    University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust says Stafford A&E department is unsafe due to shortage of specialist paediatric staff Concerns echo those raised in August 2006 when a peer review warned of “immediate risks” to children due to a lack of staff Staff shortages include doctors and nurses trained ...

  • Sugar lumps

    Senior public health figures pan childhood obesity plan


    The government’s childhood obesity plan has been branded a disappointing missed opportunity by senior public health figures after it failed to take action on marketing and advertising of junk food and paid little attention to the role of councils. 

  • child and adolescent mental health services

    Enough analysis: Make real plans for young people's mental health services


    Years of critical reviews have failed to bring about the required changes in child and adolescent mental healthcare services. Establishing a good case for improvement is important to move beyond just analysing the problems

  • Child in hospital

    Failure to 'radically redesign' paediatric services fuels six year high vacancy rate


    Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health criticises NHS’s failure to reorganise services Vacancy rates for junior doctors in paediatrics have reached a six year high, according to workforce census RCPCH calls for increases in training posts including nurses and training for GPs Failure to reconfigure NHS paediatric ...

  • GP and patient

    Small jump in doctors applying for NHS training despite contract dispute


    Year on year increase in doctors applying for specialty training and GP training Ten per cent of posts for 2016 remain unfilled Further recruitment drives for some specialties planned More than 120 additional junior doctors have applied for specialty training in the NHS and more than 170 trainees ...

  • Sarah-Jane Marsh
    HSJ Local

    Birmingham trusts hope to merge 'early next year'


    STRUCTURE: The boards of Birmingham Women’s Foundation Trust and Birmingham Children’s Hospital Foundation Trust have formally agreed to merge the organisations.

  • Children at school
    HSJ Local

    Child mental health charity closes waiting list


    MENTAL HEALTH: A lack of funding and surge in demand has forced a children’s mental health charity to close its waiting list.

  • sam morrish

    System-wide failure identified in damning report into child's death


    Second investigation report into death of Sam Morrish calls for change in culture to improve local NHS investigations PHSO report says NHS trust failed to “accept that no view other than their own was the right one” Report follows criticism of PHSO, which took two years to carry out ...

  • London

    Six areas take on new mental health commissioning powers


    Six areas chosen to take on new commissioning powers for tertiary mental health services Providers were invited to submit bids to NHS England by the middle of June A key aim of the pilot is to reduce the number of patients going to out of area beds Six ...

  • Claire Murdoch

    Nearly £4bn pledged to mental health services


    NHS England document outlines how £3.97bn will be invested in mental health by 2020-21 £1.8m pilot scheme for six regions to take on new commissioning powers for tertiary mental health services £12m in the next two years to expand services that make mental health assessments available to those arrested ...

  • Scales

    Warning public health cuts risk child obesity rise


    Child health experts warn public health cuts could have significant impact on the future health of children Concern over cuts to child obesity programmes Britain “disproportionately disadvantages children and young people”, say public health leaders An HSJ investigation that revealed the impact of council spending reductions on children’s ...

  • Will hazell expert briefing
    Expert Briefing

    Deep South: Public-private joint venture and Brexit fallout


    Weekly updates and essential insight into the NHS in the South West, by Will Hazell

  • Mother and baby
    HSJ Local

    Trust forced to close unit for three months due to staff shortage


    Wycombe birth centre to close between 25 July and 31 October due to midwife shortage Forty shifts a month unfilled with 24.8 full-time equivalent midwives having resigned or retired in recent months Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust says it is confident birth centre will re-open WORKFORCE: A shortage of midwives ...

  • Hospital sign

    CQC: 'major concerns' over children in care at injuries units


    “Worrying gaps” identified in MIU safeguarding policies by CQC No system in place for staff to flag safety concerns about children in care CQC report also finds that GP involvement in child protection cases is “frequently too basic” Regulators have identified “major concerns” about the treatment ...

  • child baby healthcare doctor patient

    Exclusive: CQC warns of 'significant risk' in newborn care


    CQC investigation reveals inconsistent practice and lack of guidance across NHS in caring for high risk babies Review was prompted by case of baby Elizabeth Dixon who died in 2001 NICE will produce new guidelines aimed at improving care which CQC believes will save lives There is a ...

  • community services young students in class boys girls science school

    Revealed: Children's services hardest hit by public health cuts


    Services aimed at children and young people are bearing the brunt of cuts to public health spending by local authorities, an HSJ investigation has revealed.

  • Bristol Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Bristol heart review finds 'no evidence' of 1990s failures being repeated


    Children’s heart services review finds outcomes at University Hospitals Bristol “broadly comparable” with other centres However, parents sometimes “let down”, nursing staff “regularly under pressure” and managers took “unnecessarily defensive position” NHS England to publish plans for reconfigured congenital heart disease services next week PATIENT SAFETY: The independent ...