All Children's services articles – Page 21

  • Bridget hopwood
    HSJ Knowledge

    Exploring a child’s-eye view of NHS healthcare


    Parental feedback has long shaped NHS care, but until recently there has been little evidence gathered about patient experiences through the eyes of children. But as Bridget Hopwood and Sarah-Ann Burger write, change is under way

  • Great Ormond Street
    HSJ Local

    Iconic specialist hospital discovers 7,000 patients missed off waiting list


    Great Ormond Street Hospital finds 7,000 patients who should have been on its waiting list that were not recorded “Small number” of patients sent to other providers as GOSH seeks to ensure no patients were harmed GOSH has not reported waiting times data since July PERFORMANCE: An internationally ...

  • Mother and baby

    Women should control maternity care budgets, review says


    National Maternity Review calls for personalised maternity budgets by 2020 Recommendations aim to improve choice and increase community births Review says a significant increase in midwifery workforce is not required Women should be given their own budgets to spend on their maternity care, a national review has said, ...

  • kate and rhiannon davies colour

    Exclusive: Baby death investigation uncovers systemic failings at trust


    New investigation exposes how vital documents never existed and policies were out of date Midwives routinely ignored policies and guidelines as part of the “culture” in midwifery led unit Trust to review historical incidents and deaths to ensure no wider problems A midwife who retrospectively altered the clinical ...

  • Jackie bene
    HSJ Local

    Third trust considers joining Dalton’s ‘hospital chain’


    Bolton was previously reluctant to join Salford Royal and Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh in their foundation group Trusts expected to retain separate boards under the new model, but could be run by a joint executive team The three FTs have begun discussions over reconfiguration of breast surgery and women’s ...

  • Paul Farmer

    Taskforce delivers blueprint for future of mental healthcare


    Government mental health taskforce outlines changes for mental health to 2020 Funding pledge of £1bn has previously been announced and DH has confirmed it is not new money Taskforce chair Paul Farmer says recommendations are “feasible and afforable” Mental health services in the NHS should undergo significant reform ...

  • Lucia kossarova

    Needs fixing: new models of care for children and young people


    It is time that new models of care turn their attention to children and young people, writes Lucia Kossarova

  • Clock

    Former NHS chief calls for four hour mental health target


    Commission describes mental health system under pressure after “steady attrition” of funding in recent years Lord Crisp calls for new four hour waiting time target for acute adult patients and an end to long distance transfers Mental Health Network calls on NHS England to invest directly in frontline provision ...

  • Len Fenwick
    HSJ Local

    Newcastle FT to take over some North Cumbria services


    Newcastle FT will run some children’s services in north Cumbria Partnership set to be extended with cancer services considered a likely focus North Cumbria grappling with unsafe and unsustainable services, and senior leadership turnover North Cumbria University Hospitals in special measures and part of success regime Newcastle upon ...

  • Busy hospital
    HSJ Knowledge

    In denial about the scale of variation


    Tackling variation is one of the most daunting tasks for the NHS. In the second article in our series on the War on Variation summit, Claire Read looks at the role of denial and how it can be overcome

  • Pooland

    End Game: A saucer of milk for the minister


    End Game brings to you the serious nature of herbal products and a dash of pop 

  • Birmingham Children's Hospital
    HSJ Local

    Birmingham foundation trusts confirm merger plan


    Trust merger follows joint chief executive appointment last year Business case to be produced by “late summer” Trusts plan joint rebuild after major capital project is scrapped Two Birmingham foundation trusts have confirmed they will merge following the decision last year for them to share a chief executive.

  • Accident and emergency patient

    NHS England set to remove eight national clinical directors


    NHS England on track to cut eight national clinical director posts Sixteen directors will be retained in a new structure from April Remaining directors split into “major programme”, “service improvement” and “population group” NHS England is on course to cut eight national clinical directors, including for renal disease, ...

  • Stafford Hospital

    Stafford Hospital death review criticises 'closed NHS culture'


    Independent review finds family’s fears over cause of death were correct Report criticises “closed culture” in the NHS that prevents complaints being heard CCG says it will act for family to secure a second inquest An independent investigation into the death of a three-year-old boy at Stafford Hospital ...

  • Shaun Lintern

    The NHS must stop victimising bereaved families


    Bereaved families of systemic failure-related deaths have far too often become second victims, due to the NHS’s misguided secrecy and focus on reputation management, writes Shaun Lintern

  • Baby

    Trust launches maternity care review after baby death


    Bolton FT to audit all births in its midwifery led unit in April-September 2015 Family were notified by the trust under duty of candour legislation after their baby died in July Mother says she blames “policymakers” who failed to have up to date policies An NHS trust and ...

  • University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Exclusive: Morecambe Bay transcripts to remain secret until autumn 2016


    Transcripts of 118 interviews could take until autumn 2016 to be published Morecambe Bay inquiry chair Bill Kirkup says timescale is a “surprise” Witnesses to the inquiry included senior NHS figures PATIENT SAFETY: Transcripts of interviews carried out for the Morecambe Bay inquiry will not be made public ...

  • Kate Stanton-Davies

    Exclusive: NHS England to carry out secret audit of midwifery investigations


    NHS England will not publish the results of a national audit into the quality of investigations into maternity incidents prompted by the death of a baby girl, HSJ has learned.

  • Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
    HSJ Local

    Virgin wins South West children’s health contract


    COMMERCIAL: Virgin Care has won a £64m contract to be the single provider of community child health services in Wiltshire.

  • Court room

    Clinicians guilty of manslaughter after Leicester child death


    A doctor and a nurse have been convicted of manslaughter by gross negligence of a child at Leicester Royal Infirmary.