All Clinical Leaders articles – Page 114
Ambitious plan will require innovation
The evaluation by the Audit Commission and the Healthcare Commission of the progress of NHS reforms is a wake-up call for foundation trust managers.
Alan Johnson steps up pace of inequalities reform
Health secretary Alan Johnson has outlined plans to ramp up the pace of reform in the face of a struggle to meet health inequalities targets.
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Questions to ask yourself about health policy
The Darzi report looks set to unleash another wave of reforms, but those making and implementing new policies must learn from past mistakes.
Senior doctors back plans for 360-degree patient appraisals
Senior doctors' leaders are backing plans to allow patients to rate consultants' personalities as part of '360-degree appraisals'.
Maggi Rose on clinical supervision
While NHS organisations often get caught up in documenting the benefits and justifying the expense of clinical supervision, the most important thing to keep sight of are the benefits to the people directly involved the process
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Service planning: shock of the new
Sherford is a new town being built near Plymouth and plans for its health services promise to test support for new models - just don't mention polyclinics. Lynn Eaton takes a look
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Is the doctor a museum piece?
A consultation among doctors has revealed discomfort about their future but detected a degree of optimism. Steve Dewar explains the results
Future of commissioning: progress report
In December 2007, the Department of Health and the NHS launched the vision for world class commissioning.
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Supporting world class commissioning
Primary care trusts will be able to call on a rich network to help find their way with world class commissioning
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Health inequalities in primary care
Benchmarking can help PCTs tackle deprivation and achieve performance and funding practices that compare with the best, says Nigel Crew
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Making practice based commissioning perfect
Practice clinicians are being seen as the linchpins of future local procurement of quality care services, as Andy Cowper explains
Darzi review: East Midlands opts for local focus
NHS East Midlands has focused on localism in its regional Darzi vision.The strategic health authority said it had divided its patch into smaller areas to make sure its proposals reflect the diversity of its residents.
Michael White on private vs public
The detail I am most likely to remember from this week's events is the revelation that when Harold Macmillan was chancellor in 1956 he suppressed evidence of the link between cancer and smoking.
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Darzi review: Give old people a seat at the modernisation table
Services for older people are falling down government priority lists. Two consultant nurses argue for specialist care, in hospital and the community, to be made explicit in reform plans
Fewer deaths could mean more pay for consultants
Hospital consultants’ pay could be linked to outcomes such as the number of patients who die in their care, the NHS medical director has signalled.
Inspector backtracks over deaneries decision
A government agency has backtracked after advising doctors that deaneries could be classed as employment agencies.
Andrew Jones on health outcomes
One thing that seems to be uniting healthcare policy makers is the urge to tackle so-called health inflation.
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Understanding the embryology bill
The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill is an emotive issue for many people and continues to polarise public opinion. Despite widespread media coverage, misconceptions and scaremongering are obfuscating the debate. Ben Troke explains
End of postcode lottery could put PCTs in a spin
The Primary Care Commissioning Network will pool PCTs' expertise to help them make decisions on using new treatments while they wait for NICE guidance. But trusts that choose to ignore the network's advice could find themselves facing a media storm. By Alison Moore
Drugs' benefits go further than the patient
The vertiginous rise in mental health costs predicted in a King's Fund report this week should trigger debate about which drugs are approved for use.