All Clinical Leaders articles – Page 116

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Hospital franchises - quantum leap


    The Royal Marsden is pioneering a satellite cancer unit at another hospital. Will the franchise model play a big part in the era of choice and competition? Helen Mooney finds out

  • News

    Focus on GP hours is too narrow says PCT Network


    The government has been warned to broaden its approach to improving primary care services beyond a focus on extended hours.

  • News

    Darzi review: PCTs told reforms must save lives


    Junior health minister Lord Darzi is to tell primary care trusts they can reconfigure local services only where they can prove it will save lives or improve health outcomes.

  • Leader

    Darzi review kicks central control out of the frame


    Tomorrow junior health minister Lord Darzi releases another part of his next stage review. It demonstrates some deft political footwork.

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    HSJ Knowledge

    First of the PROMs


    If you are a primary care or acute trust (or an independent provider of NHS-purchased care), are you planning for one of the most significant breakthroughs in NHS quality measurement?

  • News

    Did racism delay the SAS contract?


    Staff and associate specialist doctors are often said to lack a voice. Could this explain why they were the last group to sign their new contract, or is institutional racism to blame, asks Daloni Carlisle

  • Leader

    BMA staff survey: excoriating verdict on out-of-touch union


    It is not just the government that finds the British Medical Association out of touch and stuck in its ways.

  • Comment

    Stephen Ramsden on prioritising patient safety


    Can anything be more important than the safety of our patients? This summer the National Patient Safety Campaign will begin. It aims to make safety the NHS's highest priority.

  • News

    London must focus on prevention


    Service reform in the capital must go beyond Healthcare for London proposals and focus on prevention if fatal strokes are to be avoided, the London health observatory has warned.

  • News

    Scottish doctors to vote on no-confidence motion


    Scottish GPs are set to consider a vote of no confidence in the UK government's stewardship of the NHS.

  • News

    Conservatives to let GPs pick their own hours


    The Conservatives have backed GPs' calls to be allowed to determine their own opening hours.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Restoring trust in the healthcare profession


    Patients need to believe in their doctor to get the best care, but how can real trust be built if they are always seen by different GPs? It is time to return to old-fashioned good manners and small practices

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Improving the detection of COPD


    There are over 15 million people in England with long-term conditions. Lord Darzi's interim report last October highlighted how less than 50 per cent of patients with long-term conditions receive optimal treatment, and that care does not always meet recommended guidelines.

  • News

    Trusts told to recruit more chiefs from medical ranks


    The NHS must get better at spotting leadership potential in clinicians, the Department of Health's head of workforce has demanded.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Disease: a warning from history


    Improved public health, medical advances and greater public awareness should have consigned many diseases to the past. But now illnesses such as rickets and syphilis have staged a comeback. Ingrid Torjesen looks at the latest efforts to combat them

  • News

    QOF harms inequality progress


    The freedom of GPs to 'exception report' patients may be undermining efforts to reduce health inequalities, experts have told the Commons health select committee.

  • News

    Trusts come together but deny merger speculation


    Three London foundation trusts have confirmed they will be part of the capital's second academic health science centre, but denied a merger was on the cards 'for the foreseeable future'.

  • News

    Concern at slow response to review of brutal murder


    The chair of an inquiry into the brutal murder of a man with learning disabilities has said she is 'hugely disappointed' by the NHS's failure to address the problems it identified.

  • Comment

    Michael White on biosimilars and generics


    At my bus-pass holding time of life, you don't often come across a word whose meaning you could no more guess at than a street sign in Tokyo. It happened to me when trawling Hansard the other day. The word was 'biosimilars'.

  • News

    DH heralds bigger role for pharmacies


    The Department of Health is to draw up plans for primary care trusts to commission more services from pharmacists.