All Clinical Leaders articles – Page 117

  • News

    Simon Stevens on improving payment by results


    In my last column, I discussed evidence on how payment by results is actually working.

  • News

    PCTs face tough questions on QOF reporting


    Data published for the first time today by HSJ reveals the GPs who exclude the most patients from their quality incentive scheme.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    GPs in the dock: case for the defence


    Around 90 per cent of NHS work is done by family doctors, so why is there so much heat around their pay and workload? The Royal College of GPs' president answers the critics

  • News

    Care Quality Commission: a chance to peep under the primary care carpet


    With the launch of the Care Quality Commission, GPs will be directly regulated for the first time. The government concedes that the number of reported patient safety incidents is too low, so how closely should the new inspector look, asks Charlotte Santry

  • Leader

    PCTs must take action to tackle quality framework disparities


    The data HSJ reveals today on the patients GPs exempt under the quality and outcomes framework raises questions about whether the system is being abused.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Prevention shows benefits across UK


    Over the last few years, more and more emphasis has been placed on early intervention and/or prevention for long-term conditions. Has this started to show any impact on the number of hospital admissions?

  • News

    Large scale screening may affect access


    The implementation of the government's flagship vascular screening programme for 40 to 74-year-olds must be clearly set out and carefully managed, primary care specialists have warned.

  • News

    High exception rate worth £15k income


    High exception reporters could be gaining more than £15,000 a year through their exception reporting - approximately 12 per cent of their total funds from the quality and outcomes framework.

  • News

    Managers blamed for infection control failings


    Eighty per cent of respondents to a survey carried out for healthcare group BUPA said they blame managers for superbug infections, while only 1 per cent blamed doctors.Respondents also said they were not prepared to travel more than 20 miles to go to a hospital they considered to be clean. ...

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Patient consultation: ask the panel


    Different models of patient panels on inflammatory bowel disease services are emerging and all are helping to improve services. Peter Canham looks at a new patient involvement initiative

  • News

    Trusts to miss deep clean deadline


    Not all trusts will have carried out a 'deep clean' of their hospitals by Monday's deadline, HSJ can reveal.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    How to support evidence-based practice


    Most clinicians and medical researchers believe the NHS should adopt an evidence-based approach to patient care. This will lead to greater effectiveness, fewer inappropriate interventions, greater consistency and less overuse or underuse of healthcare resources.

  • News

    Huge variation in GP practice pay regardless of size of list


    Figures obtained by HSJ reveal the extent to which the national GP contract has driven inequity across the country, with huge variations in payments to practices, regardless of the number and need of their patients.

  • Supplements

    Round table - clinical priorities: a dose of realism


    Wonder drugs will play a part in transforming healthcare - but a roundtable of experts brought together by HSJ and the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry said implementing best practice could be even more important. Alexis Nolan reports

  • News

    Census shows wide variation in numbers of clinical staff


    The government's boast that the NHS has been swelled by thousands of extra clinical staff masks wide regional variations and a flattening in the number of nurses and GPs.

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Stephen Ramsden on being a good chief executive


    'What is the role of a chief executive? I constantly ask myself this and I firmly believe the NHS has got it wrong.'

  • HSJ Knowledge

    Corporate Manslaughter Act - do or die


    Consequences of deaths deemed to be caused by an NHS body are changing in major ways and managers should get prepared, says Jill Mason.In July, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 gained Royal Assent and is due to come into force in April 2008. This is an ...