All Clinical Leaders articles – Page 33
HSJ Knowledge
Combating mortality rates
A casenote review of how one trust chose to explore the root of its high mortality rate
HSJ Knowledge
Fish for the best variety of CCG
CCGs will be more like a colourful array of tropical fish than a dull salmon farm
Questions over Monitor’s role will be raised
There is continued uncertainty over the mechanics of regulation
FIlling the void
Ignore the harbingers of doom; clinical leaders, by driving value and putting patients first, can not only address the challenges we face but lead healthcare towards a better future.
HSJ Knowledge
The 'medic to manager' move
The NHS’s divide between clinical leaders and management must be closed
HSJ Knowledge
Whistleblowing: the way ahead
Strong leaders are essential if future whistleblowers are to prevent harm
Is scrutiny of care poorer the further you are from London?
Scrutiny of care should not be impacted upon by geography.
Review: clinical decision support systems webinar
A recent webinar brought together leading experts in clinical decision support systems to discuss how access to the best proven evidence can make a big difference.
HSJ Knowledge
Why physician involvement can inspire higher performing healthcare
The level of physician involvement is positively associated with better performing hospitals and improved financial management, write Peter Spurgeon and colleagues.
Readers' letters – 12 July 2012
Standardised barcoding could reduce risk – and the cost of risk; plus, why clinicians fear being managers
Clare Gerada: trust is essential for effective leadership
Even when you display personal courage and honesty, you cannot be an effective leader without the trust of your peers and the public, says Clare Gerada.
HSJ Knowledge
How to support the leaders of tomorrow
A social network is enabling medical students to gain supported experience in non-clinical environments to boost their leadership skills, write Harpreet Sood, Claire Lemer and Emma Stanton.
HSJ Knowledge
Valuable experience: internships in the healthcare sector
Three students share their experiences of internships within organisations in the healthcare sector.
Ciarán Devane: out with the old
A hypothesis for us: if we want to do more, we need to do less.
Ruth Carnall: take the shakes out of the shake-ups
Revamping NHS organisations will always be intense but these lessons from London can help to make things easier.
HSJ Local
Matt Walsh becomes full time accountable officer for Calderdale CCG
WORKFORCE: Matt Walsh, formerly NHS Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield medical director, has become the transitional accountable officer of Calderdale CCG on a full time basis.
Review concludes NMC is failing 'at every level'
The Nursing and Midwifery Council has problems “at every level”, according to a highly critical report into the regulator published today.