All Clinical Leaders articles – Page 96
Trusts and commissioners argue over pay for quality
The pay-for-quality arrangements set out by Lord Darzi in the next stage review are sparking disagreement between some trusts and commissioners.
Survey reveals NHS executives' neglect of future leaders
Senior managers feel too burdened with paperwork to develop the next generation of leaders, with many spending less than a tenth of their time on succession planning, an HSJ survey has revealed.Department of Health workforce director general Clare Chapman last week toldHSJ all NHS chief executives should be spending a ...
PCT strategy plans expose the distance to world class
Concerns have been raised over two out of three primary care trusts' strategic plans, the first scores for world class commissioning reveal.
BMA against more competition
The British Medical Association has vowed to campaign against increased competition and privatisation as the NHS feels the effects of the recession.
David Levy on the Clinical Leaders Network
I recently had the pleasure of attending a meeting of strategic health authority leads of the Clinical Leaders Network. There were about 30 of us in the room, in three groups.
Chief medical officer launches public health awards
Chief medical officer Sir Liam Donaldson has established an annual awards event for those working in public health.
Lisa Rodrigues on NHS kindness
At the end of 2008, King's Fund chief executive Niall Dickson was reported as saying that NHS staff have lost their compassion and that his organisation wants to help bring it back. I could not agree less.
HSJ Knowledge
NHS discharge planning: lost for words
GPs need timely discharge summaries to provide patients with effective follow-up care, yet they often have to wait weeks for this information. How can medics make sure one hand knows what the other is doing, asks Daloni Carlisle
18-week target: how we lost the NHS wait
It was always a tough ask - could the NHS fundamentally change its ways of working for elective patients, transform the quality of the service that patients experience, reduce the backlogs of long waits, and cut waiting times dramatically?
NHS trusts 'complacent' about European working time directive
NHS trusts are 'complacent' about making the changes needed to comply with the European working time directive, doctors' leaders are claiming.
More consultant paediatricians needed
An extra 3,000 consultant paediatricians are needed to deliver the safest possible service to children and their families, a Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report warns.
NHS leaders told to spend a day a week nurturing talent
Chief executives are being told to spend the equivalent of a day a week developing future leaders.
NHS Confederation slates inequality duty
Government plans to make it a duty for the health service to tackle inequalities will result in meaningless bureaucracy, the NHS Confederation is warning.
Managers call for GP commissioning reforms
NHS managers are showing signs of breaking with government policy by calling for a complete overhaul of practice based commissioning.
PCTs fail to back up maternity care drive
Flagship government commitments to improve safety and choice of maternity services may be compromised in large parts of England.
HSJ Knowledge
Older people want more talk in A&E
The third national survey of patients in accident and emergency, which the Picker Institute recently conducted for the Healthcare Commission, found significant improvements since 2004, especially in communication by staff.
Special administrators will oversee fate of failing NHS trusts
The fate of failing NHS trusts will be decided within three months of a special administrator being appointed to take over the roles of the chair and the board.
NHS drug shortage looms as pound falls
The NHS could face a shortage of drugs because the weak pound means speculators are targeting UK pharmaceutical supplies for export to more lucrative markets.Data obtained by HSJ shows there has also been a dramatic slowdown in imports of cut-price branded drugs into the UK.
Personal health budgets may spark tension between services
Personal health budgets for patients to spend as they wish will radically change commissioners' roles, the NHS Confederation has warned.
HSJ talks to care services minister Phil Hope
Care services minister Phil Hope promises his personal experience of the health service as a Hodgkin’s patient will mean service users are at the heart of his policies. Helen Crump finds out what’s on his to-do list. Plus, watch an exclusive video interview with Mr Hope